Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One

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A fourth update today? Something must not be right, because OneChicagobyA never gives us this many updates; at the most, there's only three updates per day. Well, not today, there's four updates; and I hope that you guys are ready for today's fourth update. By the way, what did you guys think of the last update? The update that gave you some insight on Antonio's background (per my story). I hope that you guys like it. If you do and have some questions that you want me to answer about it; send them my way, because it may lead me to having an idea for another chapter similar to tit. However, that won't be tonight as this is my last update for today. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to write Chapter Twenty-Five for you tomorrow; Part Two of Day Two of Matt & Gabby's Romantic Getaway.

Master Suite, Casey Yacht (9:30 AM)
She's been lying here in comfortable silence for the past two-and-a-half hours this morning, two-and-a-half hours of pure hell with sun glaring in her eyes; all because she doesn't want to wake up her loving husband whom she thought was still fast asleep, which was exactly why Gabby Casey has been stuck on his chest (voluntarily). She didn't want to get up, and risk waking him up; only to have him complain all day that he was tired, especially since he had PTSD the night before. He woke up screaming last night, scared that he was reliving one of the worst days of his life; the day that he said goodbye to his wife. And while she was able to calm him down, he didn't calm down enough after they eventually (tried) to fall back asleep around four this morning; nor was he able to fall asleep after Gabby climbed in and out of bed to go to the washroom this morning at seven. So, while Gabby has been awake since seven-thirty this morning, Matt has been awake much longer; he's been awake since four-thirty this morning, and it was just so hard to stay quiet.

But now, it was finally late enough in the day that Matt felt like he wouldn't get in trouble if he woke her up; that he could actually move some, because the truth was that he needed to move to the center of the bed. As much as he loves the feeling of his beautiful wife on his chest, it did cause him to create quite a dent in his mattress; and that meant that the back support went every once and a while, right now being one of those times. So, with the hopes of moving with her on his chest; Matt moved his arm around Gabby's lover back before slipping over in bed and then proceeded to try and move to a place that was more comfortable for him, only to be stopped by Gabby (whom you know is awake). "Hey, what are you doing baby?" Looking down at his wife after hearing her voice, Matt got a bit worried. "Hey, sorry if I woke you up." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before rolling over onto her side so that Matt had the ability to move to somewhere that was much more comfortable; that is, without her hindering his ability to do so.

"You didn't." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that, just looking at his wife. "I didn't?" Gabby shook her head, before smiling at him. "Mind if I come lay back down on your chest? I was comfortable." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling at her. "I would love that, but I want something first." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt tell her that, as she wanted it too; she wanted to share a sweet kiss with her incredible husband this morning, and just take things slow with him (like they'll probably be doing for most of the day today anyways). Climbing on top of her husband, Gabby smiled as she went ahead and hovered on top of him before laying down on his chest; at the same time, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife. Putting his hands on her beck, Matt smirked as he leaned up and then kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. Smiling as she felt Matt do that for her this morning, Gabby smiled as it was exactly what she wanted the man of her dreams to do today; kiss her slowly.

Just taking things slow with Gabby, Matt smiled as he ran his hands down her back while taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams; the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, and the mother of his children. Just taking things slow with her, Matt smiled when he felt Gabby move her hands to his chest. At the same time, Matt wrapped his arms and legs around her as a way to hold the woman he loves close to him. The woman he wants to have in his life for the rest of it. After all, this is his dream life; and there's nothing better than the feeling of her on his chest. And there's also nothing like finally being able to talk and move, for the first time in five-and-a-half hours. Laying her head down on Matt's heart, Gabby smiled as she rubbed his chest before feeling Matt run his hand up and down her back. He then turned his head and whispered in her ear. "Can I..." Running her hand down Matt's chest, Gabby nodded. "Baby, the answer is always yes." Matt nodded, smiling as he kissed the woman he loves this morning.

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