You, and The Boys are My Dream

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the Halstead chapters that I wrote for you guys? Do you like the extra bit of drama/romance that I added for you guys? I hope that you guys are okay with me writing about them at times, as I really do like writing that. But now, I am going to go back to our main couple to end the night as this will be the last chapter for tonight. Thanks again for reading and see you tomorrow. Here we go with Chapter Forty-Three with Matt, Gabby, and Noah.

Casey Home, Honolulu – He just got another feeding from his beautiful mommy. The mommy who's been feeding him with her breast as a way to make her feel better, and Noah  most certainly did enjoy that time that he was getting with his mommy. But that was not the only type of time that he was enjoying right now, as he was also enjoying another type of time; and that type of time was cuddle time with his daddy. Laying his head down on Matt's chest as they cuddled up to each other in bed, Noah smiled as he felt his daddy hold him close; and that was exactly what Matt planned on doing for a while, because he wanted to do whatever he can to make him feel better. Just running his hand up and down his son's back, Matt smiled due to the fact that this is everything that he's ever wanted in life; he's always wanted to be a dad, and that includes everything that comes with having a sick child. Sure, does Matt like the fact that his baby boy isn't feeling the best? Of course, he doesn't like that he's not feeling the best right now; but he's just going to live with it, and he's going to make sure that his son feels better. Kissing his forehead, Matt just smiled due to the fact that he was happy.

And the truth was, that was something that Gabby already knew; based solely on the way that her husband was holding his son on his chest, and giving him a bunch of love. And that's something that Gabby knew all about, since she's had the same type of love in the past; and always gets it whenever she lays down on Matt' s chest, which she loves more than anything. Looking at her husband as they laid down in bed with each other, Gabby smiled due to the fact that this was perfect (in a way); not that Noah wasn't feeling the best, but that they were holding him close. The sight in front of her was definitely something that she will always cherish, and that she doesn't want to miss; nor does she want to ruin the moment that her husband is sharing with their son, but that's exactly what he ended up doing when he spoke up. Looking at his wife as she stared at him, Matt couldn't help but laugh a bit; after all, it was a bit creepy in the way that she was staring at him right now. "You're staring at me." Gabby snickered a bit when she heard Matt tell her that she was staring at him, but that was due to the fact that he really looked adorable with their son on his chest; and always will.

"I have to say though, that I really like the sight of you holding Noah on your chest like that." Looking down at Noah as he laid down on his chest, Matt smiled when he noticed that he was fast asleep. And that was really hard on him, as he wasn't sure whether he wanted to get up; not when his baby boy looks so damn adorable on his chest, which is always going to be the case. "I know, I like the feeling too; and it really doesn't make me want to get up. I want to stay here, just so that he doesn't wake up; because I'm worried that if he wakes up, then he's not going to want to lay down on my chest like this." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, as that's something that she understands. "I get that." Matt smiled when he heard Gabby say that, before turning to look at his wife; at the same time, Matt reached out and grabbed her hand. Smiling at Matt, Gabby proceeded to grab his hand before intertwining their fingers; after which, Matt smirked as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss Gabby softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smiled as this truly was his dream life. "Did I ever tell you that this is my dream life?" Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that.

"Oh, I am well aware of the fact that this is your dream life. Wait, are you talking about the part with the money? Or are you talking about the...." Matt just looked at his wife when she said that, shocked that she was even thinking about that he was talking about the money; because he most certainly was not talking about the money, as that was not the part that make this his dream life. Rather, what made this his dream life was her and the boys; and that's something that Gabby should already know, based solely on the fact that he loves her more than anything in the entire world. Reaching up, Matt proceeded to put his hand on her neck. "Come here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before moving close to the man she loves; after which, she leaned over him (and Noah) before kissing him softly. "Listen, I'm going to go put Noah in his crib, okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that he was going to go put Noah in his crib. "Then we can talk, because we need to talk about that." Gabby smiled, agreeing with her husband as she went ahead and proceeded to get up so that he can carry Noah to his crib; that way, he can take a nap and just relax in his crib.

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