Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath

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Hello Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters. I truly hope that you guys enjoyed yesterdays' chapters, and are ready for a bunch more chapters that I truly believe you guys are going to enjoy just as much today. But before we begin, I just want to know your guys' opinion on the story so far; and what you guys are thinking when it comes to where I am taking the couples. Whether you think that there might be some ways that I can explain things better. And of course, whether you guys have questions in general about some things that I am writing in the story. Whether it be about the status of some projects, or some other things; I would love to hear that.

And not just because it will allow me to give you the answers that you guys want in a note (like this one), but it could lead to me having an entire chapter that's dedicated to me trying to answer that question for you guys; and that could actually lead to other storylines that I may not have even thought of at the time, which may definitely allow me to make this story longer. I hope that you guys know that I want to write this story for as long as I can, and your support for this story means everything to me. I see all of you guys reading this story after each and every update, and I see that many of you guys vote for this story; and I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that those votes give me the courage to continue writing this story for you guys. Yes, the courage to write the story.

And I want to give you a bit of background as to why I am saying the courage. I say courage, as there have been times where I have been questioning my ability to write at times; and I have had writer's block as well. But recently, I have been able to just continue with writing this story with ease; and I am so glad that this is the case now, as I really am enjoying the story that I'm writing for all of you. But now, I am not going to write this note any longer when you guys want to get back to the story. So, here's number Twenty-One.

She was currently in the midst of sitting down on the edge of the bath, the bath that her husband had one of his staff draw for the both of them while checking the temperature of the rose-filled water; water where she and her loving husband would soon be sitting together, as they just took it easy with (another) glass of wine. Yes, Gabby asked Matt to get her another glass of wine; after all, she hasn't really been able to enjoy wine for months. And now that she's had some, she doesn't want to give it up anymore. However, she does know that she can't; and that's due to her boys, the boys whose pictures she was currently looking at. She made a promise to herself (and her boys) that she would exclusively breastfeed them for six months (as is recommended by the WHO), and that she wouldn't give up on that pledge; after all, that was something that she's always wanted to do. However, drinking all this wine again sure has made her want to stop breastfeeding; but she already knows that she won't, and Matt knows that too apparently.

"It's tempting right?" Turning around to look at her husband while sitting on the edge of the bath, Gabby smiled at him as he walked in carrying a fresh pair a boxers while clad in nothing but a towel. "Oh, the bath definitely is tempting, but so is the sight of my husband in his towel." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby say that, before moving to set his (fresh) boxers on the counter next to her lingerie; he then went to look at it, and just smirked as it looks really sexy. Matt then picked it up to show his wife the lingerie that she was going to wear, wear for him tonight and tomorrow. "Really?" Smiling as Matt asked her if she was going to wear that lingerie, a sexy pink bodysuit that she recently bought from Victoria's Secret; which she was definitely going to point out to her husband, the store at which she purchased said bodysuit. "Look at the label." Matt was a bit confused as Gabby said that, before turning around the lingerie and checking to see what label is on the garment; which led him to smirk as he looked up at his wife once again, as he loved it.

Setting the lingerie back down on the counter next to his boxers, Matt smiled as he walked over to the woman he loves more than anything so that he can help her up. "Oh, you sure are such a tease Ms. Casey." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt tell her that. Moving to put his hands out, Matt smiled as he wanted Gabby to get up; seeing that Matt wanted her to get up, Gabby smiled as she did just that and made her way over to her. She then moved her hands to his chest while Matt wrapped his arms around her this evening, which was definitely something that she enjoyed; and that she showed him as she looked up into his eyes. Stepping nice and close to his girl, Matt smiled as he bent down and kissed his beautiful wife softly; the woman he loves more than anything in the entire wife, his girl. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "Because of the lingerie?" Matt shook his head when Gabby said that, before pressing his lips to her forehead. "For what you're going to do for us and our family." Gabby was confused when Matt said that.

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