Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hi Readers: I hope that you guys have been enjoying todays chapters. And I am proud to say that the chapters that I have already written are not the chapters that you guys are going to get to read, as I am still writing; and plan on writing for a while. And that starts right now. Here we go with another chapter. Here we go with Chapter Thirty-Nine.

The breakfast that Camila just made for him and Gabby this morning truly looked divine, and he most definitely was ready to eat it this morning; especially since he's quite hungry, most of that being from the stress. And right now, the stress levels in his home were pretty high; which was definitely not the most idea of situations. But right now, he wasn't going to worry about it; rather, he's just going to concentrate on his wife (as well as their son). Noah just needs to have his parents take care of him right now, and that was most definitely something that he was going to do for him; Noah is his lil' boy, and he wants to make sure that he's okay right now. And that's what he and Gabby are going to do for the entire day, and however long they need to make sure that he's okay; and he's going to be doing it in his and Gabby's room, rather than from his office. Gabby is the love of his life, and there's nowhere he'd rather be other than right here in bed with her. It's where she needs him to be, so he's going to be here for her the entire time.

Walking into his and Gabby's room with the egg sandwiches that they were going to enjoy this morning, Matt took a breath when he heard Gabby speak to her brother about what happened. "And that's it right? Someone was just holding him in his lap, and the pillow was kicked away?" Antonio agreed with his sister when she asked him what happened (again), before smiling at her. "Gabby, I promise that everything is okay. He's going to be okay, and I am going to apologize for the rest of my life if I have to." That's when Matt decided to interrupt the conversation that was occurring between his wife and her brother. "Antonio, you don't have to do that; and I mean that, because I believe that you're going to go crazy if you keep doing that." Turning his head when he heard Matt walk into the room, Antonio smiled at him before leaning over his sister; kissing her forehead, Antonio smiled at his sister. "I promise sis, everything will be okay. The boys are fine, and Matt's here for you." Gabby agreed with her brother when he said that, well aware that was the case.

Grabbing her brother's hand, Gabby smiled as she stroked it with her thumb while also looking down at Noah as she fed him this morning; after all, she did decide to breastfeed her son once again. And that was due to the fact that she wanted to make sure that he was happy again, and because she was worried about her baby boy. But breastfeeding Noah was definitely something that made the mother much happier, because it made her feel like she knew that he was okay now. Looking at his sister as she breastfed Noah, Antonio smiled before leaning over her and then kissed her forehead softly. "Just take it easy and relax Gabby, everything's okay now." Looking up at her brother, Gabby smiled before turning her attention back to Noah as she breastfed him this morning. At the same time, Matt looked at his girl. "Gabby?" Turning her head, Gabby looked at Matt and smiled at him. "Yeah baby?" Matt just smiled at her. "I'm just going to talk to Antonio for a minute okay? I'll be right back." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling.

"Okay." Looking at his brother-in-law, Antonio was a bit confused as to why he needed to talk to him in private; but he most certainly was not going to question him here, as that would just worry his sister. Walking out ahead of Matt, Antonio turned to look at him. "Just go out. I'll be right out Antonio." Antonio agreed with his brother-in-law when he told him that, doing just as he was told to do; which is something that he just felt that he needed to do for some reason, a reason that he can't explain. But nevertheless, he did it. At the same time, Matt went to set breakfast down on the bed before walking around his and Gabby's bed; sitting down next to her and Noah shortly afterwards, Matt smiled as he turned to look at his baby boy (whom he loves more than anything in the entire world. He then put his hand on the back of Noah's head and stroked it. "Hey buddy, daddy's here; and he's going to be staying here today, he promises." Matt then turned his attention and looked at her, smiling at the woman he loves more than anything.

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