Chapter Six

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first Halstead part of the story? Did you enjoy it? Well, I would love to hear back in the comments and/or in messages as to how you thought it went. But I know what you guys really want right now, and that's more Casey Family time; so that's what you're going to get. Here's Chapter Six, back with Matt and Gabby.

They just finished another round of feedings, which was definitely one of the reasons that the couple weren't going anywhere; with their sons needing all the sleep that they can get, they're basically stuck at home right now. But Matt and Gabby we're complaining, as they loved to spend time with each other; and now, they loved spending time with their sons. However, that didn't mean that Matt was the biggest fan of his sons throwing up on his chest. Thank god it didn't take long for him to clean up, and that was all thanks to the fact that he made sure to cover up his boxers. And that meant that he just needed to wash his chest, with Gabby's help. Yes, Gabby helped him wash his chest; because this was the one time that she could. But what does Matt mean by that? Well, that's because he didn't take a shower. Sitting on the bathroom counter, Gabby smiled as she ran her hand down Matt's chest who looks really quite sexy; that was, even though he had throw up on him. Just looking at his gorgeous wife as she sat on the edge of the bathroom counter, Matt smiled due to the fact that she truly is very beautiful. Putting his hand on Gabby's neck, Matt smiled as he stroked her cheek and just looked into her eyes.

"Thanks for helping me." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, as she was quite happy to be helping her husband wash up. "Baby, it's no problem; anyways, this is the only way that I can wash you right now. I can't take a shower after giving birth right now." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, before stepping close to her so that he can put his hands next to her on the counter; he then looked into his beautiful wife's eyes, smiling due to the fact that this is exactly what he wanted to be doing with her right now. Putting his hand on Gabby's neck, Matt smirked as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss Gabby softly; taking things nice and slow with her, Matt just smiled due to the fact that this is everything that she wants to be doing with her husband at the moment. She wants to take things nice and slow with the man of her dreams, and she wants to make sure that they both relax. "God, I'm glad that we did this." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling at her. "Me too, and I am so glad that we're just holding each other close. But I have a feeling that you want to do something now." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt tell her that, as there most certainly was something that she wanted to do with her man.

She wanted to get back in bed with him, and she just wants to relax with him. "I want to get back in bed with you, and I want to relax; do you think that we can do that?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether they can do that, as they most certainly can go relax in bed with each other; after all, that's exactly what he wants to do as well. He wants to hold her close to him, and they want to relax in each other's arms; and that just made Gabby smile, it made her smile because Matt is the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Here, you want me to help you down?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she wants him to help her down, which she most definitely does want him to help her down; she needs help to get down, as she's still recovering. Going to grab Gabby's sides, Matt smiled as he stepped close to her and then proceeded to put his hands on her hips; at the side time, Gabby put her hands on Matt's chest. Leaning up, she then smirked as she started to take things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "God, if only you didn't just give birth; then I would definitely be taking you in my arms, and making love to you like you want."

Gabby laughed, agreeing with Matt as he said that, as that was definitely the truth; she wants to make love to her husband so bad, but she can't as she just gave birth. She then went ahead and smiled as she looked at her incredible husband. Going to grab Matt's hand, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to lead him out of their bathroom and into their bedroom so that they can relax with each other. Just following Gabby out, Matt smirked. "I can't help but wonder whether the boys threw up on me on purpose. Did you tell them to throw up on their daddy to make sure that their mommy gets a bit of sexy time with daddy?" Turning around to face Matt, Gabby just shook her head. "Did you just ask me that question?" Matt laughed when he heard Gabby say that, before continuing to follow his wife to their bed this morning. After all, that was where they both wanted to be; they want to be in bed with each other, and they want to hold each other close as they cuddle up to one another in bed. God, now if that wouldn't be absolutely perfect; just the two of them holding each other in bed, as they maybe share some kisses. "I would love to get some kisses from my husband by the way." Matt laughed and agreed.

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