Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two

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Walking out of his and Stella's bathroom in their hospital room shortly after taking a post-workout shower (Kelly was just at the hospital gym), the new father smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife as she sat down in bed wearing nothing but one of his nice dress shirts; and even better, it was unbuttoned so that it revealed the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. And let's just say that really turned the husband on, which is something that Stella already knew based on the way that her husband was looking at her. Smirking at him, Stella blushed as she couldn't wait for him to get back in bed with her. "How was your work out this morning?" Kelly smiled as Stella as she asked him that, continuing to make his way over to his bags. "The gym was nice." Stella smiled as she heard her husband say that, as she most definitely loves how he looks post workout; especially when he's still pumped up and looking really buff. "I can't wait until we're back home tomorrow." That's when Gabby reminded the new mom that she was still on the phone.

"Hey Stella, I want to remind you that me and Matt are still on the phone as you speak like that." Jay then went to add on. "As am I as I take Max out to the washroom." Stella agreed with their friends as they said that, well aware that was the case. "Sorry guys." Going to grab his phone (and AirPods), Kelly smiled as he turned to look at his beautiful wife. "How about you add me to the phone? I can only imagine that everybody is using their own phone." Stella agreed with Kelly when he said that. "Yeah, we are since it makes it easier to hear things." Stella then proceeded to go ahead and add her loving husband to the call, which Kelly was happy about; after which, he grabbed his AirPods and went to put them in his ears. Answering his wife's call shortly afterwards, he smiled as he spoke to her. "Can you hear me?" Stella agreed with her husband. "Of course, I can idiot." Stella then went to merge the call that she just started with Kelly, before going ahead with merging their call with the one that had all of their friends on right now. "Hey guys, I just added Kelly."

Matt agreed with his best friend's wife as she told them that, before going ahead with speaking to Kelly. "Hey man, how's the hospital gym there; just in case I need to use it when Gabby gives birth." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that. "Yeah, we aren't going to be there long enough. Heck, I'm even thinking about doing a home birth." And let's just say that Matt shut that down right away. "Okay, we're going to have to talk about that too, other than the PTSD that I still have from our time in the NICU with the boys; because I can already tell you this, that you are not doing a home birth. And I don't care what you want to do, because I have my reasons." Kelly could just tell why that was the case, as he's had some conversations about this with Matt already. "Related to how Gabby gave birth to Matteo and Noah?" Matt sighed as he heard Kelly ask him that, as that most definitely was the case. "Got that right." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, before speaking to him (both in person, and through the phone call that they're having).

"Okay, we can talk about that; just know that I already understand, but I still want to talk about that. Remember our deal, we always talk about PTSD when you tell me about some that you have." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that. "I know." Going to put his boxers on underneath his towel, Kelly smirked as he looked at his wife. "Or we can talk about it while we're on the phone together? We can do it as friends." Matt sighed when he heard his best friend offer that, as he thinks it's a nice offer; but it's not something that he wants to do. "Unfortunately, this isn't a time where we can talk about PTSD as friends; and that's due to the fact that it's related to decisions that me and Gabby have to make, decisions that we need to make as husband and wife without others' input." Stella agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, that makes sense. And I agree with Matt, because that's something that makes a lot of sense." Kelly agreed with his wife as she said that, before going to grab some of his deodorant.

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