Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters, and are ready for another day of chapters. Thanks again for reading my story, and I hope that this story is giving you exactly what you want to have. Let me know in the comments what you guys are thinking of the story so far, and whether you would change anything; I really want to hear that, because I may actually be able to incorporate those ideas into the story somehow. I want to be challenged with trying to please you guys. But I think that's all for now. Once again, thanks again for reading; and I hope you enjoy. Now, let's get to some more romance.


The fun that the couple had on the Seadoos with each other was something else, and something that they have never experienced; mostly because they have never been on water craft like that before, because they never had the money or the time to just do it for a while. But now that they have this life with each other, they have more than enough time and money to have fun with each other; and so far, based on how much fun the couple have had with each other since they first arrived here on the yacht...they can both truly say that this is one of the best investments that the couple have made so far. And that was because of what it was going to mean, and what opportunities that it gave the couple. It gave them a place where they can just concentrate on each other, and be romantic with each other; the most romantic that they have ever been with each other, if they are being completely honest with each other in their entire marriage. And the way that they're being romantic with each other, it was something else; something that Gabby has never expected, a truly memorable experience. But there was something else that Gabby never expected, and that was the latest surprise.

The surprise that Matt got his staff to set up for him and Gabby after he sent them a text. The reason that he had to send them a text, was because he got a phone call; thinking that it was related to the kids, Matt went to check it. But when he saw that it was work, Matt hung up and went ahead to put it away. But at the same time, Matt thought of something that he wanted his staff to do; and that was set up something romantic for him and Gabby, which was due to the fact that Matt just had a feeling that something was going to happen. And just what might that be? That would be them making love to each other. And there was a reason for that, which was because of the fact that they talked so much about having another baby. And just him thinking about having another baby with his girl, it made him want to make love to her more than anything in the entire world; and he made sure that there was going to be something ready for him and Gabby the minute they came to their room, which is definitely something that Gabby was going to enjoy the moment that they walk into their room together; hand-in-hand with their fingers intertwined, which is what they just did together.

Walking into the room ahead of her husband, Gabby was a bit shocked when she saw what was set up in their room; and it was the most beautiful sight that she's ever seen. The sight? A bedroom that had all of the lights dimmed, with the shades drawn and a bed full of roses; roses that were going to surround the both of them, as her loving husband made love to her this afternoon. Turning to face Matt, Gabby just looked at him. "What's this?" Matt smiled as he got close to his beautiful wife, before wrapping his arms around her. "All this talk about the two of us having another kid made me want you, but I didn't want to just make love to you; rather, I wanted to give you something special...something romantic." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before running her hands up her back; leaning in, Gabby smirked as she kissed the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. Afterwards, Matt proceeded to close the door behind him; the door that separated the two of them from the outside world, the world that most definitely did not need to see the both of them make love to each other. That, that was reserved for him and Gabby to enjoy, which they were going to.

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