Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in this chapter, but I really do hope that you guys have been enjoying these chapters. Now, I am not going to be keeping you waiting for some more chapters; so, here we go with Chapter Fifty-Seven of this journey that we're on.

The doctors just woke up this morning in Matt and Gabby's guest house, which was their home for now; and let's just say that they're very happy over the fact that they get to have that space, as they are (currently) the only couple here in California who are neither parents, or pregnant with their first children. And they were more than okay with that, as they weren't ready to have kids yet; they just want to take their time, and they want to make sure that they do everything right. But that was the last thing that they needed to think about right now, as they would much rather concentrate on their life here right now; the life that they're starting together here in the Golden State, where they are currently living in a home with an incredible view of the Pacific Ocean right outside "their" back door. Walking towards the kitchen together this morning, Will and Natalie both smiled as they looked at the sight that was in front of them: the sight of the pacific ocean that they have from their home; a view that the couple wanted to enjoy for a moment together.

Walking up behind his wife, Will smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and then rested his chin on her shoulder. "You better enjoy this view while we have it, because you aren't going to have it for long." Laughing as she heard Will say that, Natalie turned around in his arms before putting her hands on his chest. Stepping close to Will, Natalie smiled as she kissed him softly. "Oh, calm down Mr. Halstead; last time I checked, we aren't in private anymore." Will smirked when he heard Natalie say that. "Such a shame, because I most definitely enjoyed how we spent our private time the night before." Natalie smirked as she heard Will say that, as she most definitely did agree with that statement; especially since her husband was incredible the night before, when he made love to her. She then proceeded to kiss him softly, before whispering to him. "You were incredible last night Mr. Halstead, and I will be shocked if we don't get pregnant after how much fun we had the night before." Will smiled when he heard Natalie say that, holding her close.

After which, he proceeded to whisper to her as well. "Are we ready for that? If we get pregnant?" Natalie smiled when Will asked her whether she was ready to have a baby with him, because she was definitely ready to have a baby with the man she loves. "I think I would love the idea of us having a baby, but maybe when we're back in Hawaii. I want to wait until we have stability." Will agreed with his wife when she said that, as that was definitely something that she can agree with. "I like that idea." Will just smiled when Natalie said that, before wrapping his arms around her more; after which, he put his hands on her butt and then leaned in to kiss him softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Will just smirked due to the fact that he is really happy. However, Natalie thought that he was taking things a bit too far right now. "Okay, calm down Will; time for us to relax, because we aren't in private anymore last time I checked." That's when Will heard his brother speak to him as he walked up behind the couple this morning.

"You also need to calm down, because you're late; didn't you get my phone calls or text messages?" Turning to look at his brother while letting go of Natalie, Will wrapped his arm around her waist and just looked at his brother as he proceeded to ask him what he was talking about; at least, that was what he was going to do (until he saw that all of the husbands were already making breakfast). Looking at Will, Matt and Kelly then both gave him the evil glare; and that was when Natalie pushed him away. "Listen, how about you go help the other husbands make breakfast? I will go spend some time with the wives. Anyways, I need to talk to Gabby." Will was confused when he heard Natalie say that. "Why do you need to talk to Gabby?" Natalie sighed. "Until the clinic is up and running, I think I might join the girls in designing for ELLA Apparel." Matt smiled when he heard Natalie say that. "I think that you'd do a great job in doing that Natalie. By the way, did I hear you play your violin last night?" Natalie smiled as Matt asked her if she played last night.

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