Matt Daydream - Part One

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I wrote for you guys today? Are you guys still happy that I brought the story back to Hawaii? Let me know what you guys think in the comment and keep sending me some suggestions if you have any. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to hear what you guys think of my story. So, let's get to it. Here's our next chapter, Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three: a nice dream chapter for you guys that will include Bella. Let me know what you guys think.

May 4, 2020 – Casey Headquarters
Today was his first day back after his six-week paternity leave, a leave that he was very happy to have taken; as it gave him a bunch of time to just take care of his gorgeous wife, and their then-newborn baby girl Bella (as well as their now year-old twin boys Matteo and Noah). But now, he was back at the office; and boy, did it feel weird. Especially since he was currently sitting with the few employees that they are actually letting in the office, due to COVID-19. The only employees that they're currently allowing in the office? Well, that would be the people who have homes here at the headquarters: him and Gabby, Camila and Antonio, Kelly and Stella, Jay and Alex; and finally, Will and Natalie. And that was due to the fact that they not only work here, but they also have homes here at the office. So, it's not like they're all going to work from home when their homes are literally in the office. But that meant that he was still getting used to it, and he was glad that the people helping him do just that was his close friends (whom he's known for years).

Taking a breath, Matt looked at the three gentlemen who were currently sitting in front of him: Jay Halstead, Kelly Severide, and his brother-in-law Antonio Dawson; the only people that were currently at the office right now. "I promise, we're almost done this meeting, but I first want to remind you guys that I am really grateful for you guys taking this risk; I know that this is something that you guys aren't sure of." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of the reason why he wants to meet here at the office, rather than them meeting elsewhere. "Hey, relax Matt; I know why you want to meet here, it's because you want to keep business out of the home." Jay laughed as he heard Antonio say that, because that most definitely wasn't something that was happening upstairs in his home. "Yeah, that's not really been happening at my place; especially not when I'm working there as much as I can, to help Alex with the twins...and so that I can stay away from the rest of the staff. But still, I went down to the sixteenth floor today."

The sixteenth floor being one of the floors that are dedicated to Casey Police, and where Jay and Antonio have their secondary offices as the sixteenth floor is the one closest to the executive floor (where they have their primary offices) in the Casey Police section at the Casey Headquarters. Meanwhile, the floors dedicated to Casey Fire are floors seventeen through nineteen, which means that Kelly has an office both on the nineteenth, as well as the twenty-first floor. "And I went down to the nineteenth floor too, it was a ghost floor. Maybe one or two staff who literally live in condos down the street, and I gave permission to work here at the office, rather than have to set up them with a VPN and everything. And that's subject to change, of course." Matt agreed with Kelly when he said that, before looking at the three of them. "And that's why I have you here. I want to let you guys know that you guys are in charge of your floors, and you can decide what you want to do when it comes to COVID protocols; with the exception of masking and testing here."

The three executives agreed with the CEO when he said that, well aware that was one of the main requirements that he set when they returned to the office; the executives having spent the first few weeks of the pandemic working exclusively from home, where they were always a bit distracted by their children. And that was why they tried to return to the office as much as they could, because it allowed them to concentrate; and just get some work done, away from the kids. But still, they were being cautious; and they were masking up if they were in meetings (like they are right now). "So, listen. I am going to just try and get this going, because I want to get this done ahead of me going upstairs; I am going to go have lunch with Gabby, and just take some time because I need to get some of this stress out." Antonio got a bit concerned for his brother-in-law as he said that, the former detective having promised his sister that he would look out for her husband; and if he thought that something was really wrong, then he would report back to her.

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