Long Night

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in this chapter, but I hope that you guys liked the first chapter that I wrote for you guys. But now, I am ready to get back to what I was doing; and that's write some more chapters for you. So, here we go with Chapter Ninety-Eight.

Note: I am a big Blue Bloods fan, and I have decided to use some characters from that show in my story. Hope you like how.

September 28, 2019 – Cafeteria, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
When they say that you can't sleep in the NICU, well the veteran can now tell you that it's true. And that was the experience that Jay Halstead just had the night before, after having spent his first (of many) nights in the hospital with his wife and children; after all, that's exactly what he plans on doing for the entire time that Alex and their children need to be here. And Jay is more than okay with that, for the simple fact that this is where he feels like he needs to be; he just wishes that he could get some more sleep, even though he knows that's not really going to happen. I mean, how can you sleep when you have children in the NICU? Well Jay can tell you this, he can't sleep. Wait, he already said that. God, this is just horrible; and he just hates the fact that he's even here right now. But it's all thanks to one guy, and that would be Mr. Hank Voight. And that's actually another reason why Jay is currently in the midst of sitting in the cafeteria, because he's in the midst of speaking to someone on the phone (which he doesn't want to do in their hospital room).

"Thanks for taking my call today Mia." Mia being Mia Janko, the attorney that employees are allowed to use as part of their contracts; and let's just say that Jay is really happy that he has the ability to have this free lawyer right now, because he needs to have a lawyer. "It's okay Mr. Halstead, how are you doing? I heard from Mr. Dawson that something happened to you." Jay sighed as he heard Mia say that, while also being happy that Antonio told the staff about that. "I'm currently at the hospital with my wife, because she gave birth prematurely." Mia was worried as she heard Jay tell her that. "Oh lord, I am so sorry. What happened sir?" Jay sighed. "That's actually why I'm calling you right now, it's related to Alex's father." Mia agreed with the corporate executive as he said that, starting to get worried (while trying not to convey that feeling over the phone); after all, Jay already has enough to deal with. And right now, he doesn't need to worry about work. "Sir, I am so sorry. But may I ask why you are calling me? On a Saturday of all days?"

Jay sighed as he heard Mia ask him that, well aware of the fact that today is a Saturday. "I know, and I really do want to apologize for this. However, I need to just get this done. I need to get you to do something for me." Mia agreed with her boss when he said that, ready to do whatever she can. "May I ask you whether this is a personal or business matter?" Jay sighed. "It's a personal matter. I know, I'll talk to Mr. Casey about this; but I just...I don't know who to contact, because I need this done." Clearly hearing the panic (and urgency) in the new father's voice, the attorney decided not to make him worry about that. "Mr. Halstead don't even worry about that. I will do this pro bono. Please, just let me know what you need me to do." Jay sighed as he heard the lawyer tell him that, as he needs to get this done. "I need a restraining order." The attorney was a bit taken aback when she heard the new father say that, before automatically going into lawyer mode; after all, this is probably something that the father has been thinking about for a while.

"Sir, may I ask the reason why you need a restraining order?" Jay sighed when Mia asked him why he needs the restraining order, before tearing up a bit. "It's against my father-in-law. He yelled at my wife yesterday, and he caused her to go into premature labor with our twins. They were in a fight and..." The lawyer just agreed with jay when he said that, not needing him to go into any more details than he already has; after all, she could clearly tell that this is quite traumatic for the new father. "I understand Mr. Halstead. I can clearly hear that this is hard on you." Jay agreed with the attorney (again) as it most definitely is something that's very hard on him, and not just because it's his children. Rather, it's also because he knows that this is hard on his wife; his wife who just gave birth. "Oh, believe me, it is. I'm trying to keep it together though, as I know that it's much harder on my wife." The lawyer sighed as she heard Jay say that, well aware of the fact that he's also a veteran, which means that he also has mental health problems daily.

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