Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise

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Hi Readers: I hope that you guys are having a nice weekend and liked the first chapter that I posted for you guys. But if you guys thought the meeting that Matt just had was routine, then you're mistaken. Find out why by continuing to read.

He was currently in the midst of analyzing the reports that he just got from the CFD, as they wanted him to give them some information about what might have happened at their Airbnb; which was their (former) marital home, the home where they came home to when they got married. Where they made love to for the last time, just a few months earlier; right before they left to go on their road trip. And it was really fun, but now it was gone; and there was a reason for that, which was his fault. And it was because he left something there, that he shouldn't have; something that he always promised himself he'd keep it was something that he never wanted to risk loosing. And that would be his and Gabby's marriage certificate, which he ended up doing something that she's going to hate when she hears it. And what might that be? Well, it was that he scrunched it up and threw it in the fireplace while he was mad over the summer. He completely forgot about it, as well as forgetting to clean out the fireplace; and that's what happened.

A heat source went into their fireplace, and sparked all of the papers that they had in there. After which, it spread to the carpet that they had in their home; which just led to the fire growing, and growing. But still, that wasn't what he was thinking about; it was the fact that their marriage certificate was part of what started the fire, that was what was on his mind. "Definitely, so it would have to be through the fireplace. That's the only place that I can see it starting properly. I remember that we left it open." Lt. Seager from Chicago's Office of Fire Investigations agreed with the CEO (and former Captain) when he said that, before just looking at him. "Is everything okay Captain?" Matt perked up when he heard the Lieutenant say that, still finding it weird that he was addressed to by his rank; rather than by his name as a businessman, which would be 'Mr. Casey'. So, to say that he was still taken aback; well, that would be an understatement. So much so, that he just was frozen for a moment; and it led to Lt. Seager to speak to him once again.

"Are you okay Captain?" Taking a breath, Matt looked at the woman who came all the way from Chicago to speak to him. "Sorry, it's just been a long time since I was addressed as Captain Casey; ever since I started the company, I have been only Mr. Casey." Seager agreed, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I can understand that now; and I wanted to let you know that all of Firehouse 51 says hi, as I made sure to talk to them before I came. And I am also well aware that I need to tread lightly with you, as they all made me aware of just what was going on." Matt agreed with Seager as she said that, taking a breath due to the fact that he did tell all of his friends from Firehouse 51 that he has PTSD. "Yeah, that most definitely is something that I'm still dealing with." Seager agreed with Matt when he said that. "I can only assume that's hard on you, as well as your family." Matt took a breath, before agreeing with him. "Let's just say that there is a lot to deal with, including a lot of adjusting; especially when it came to us getting adjusted to a new dog."

Seager agreed with Matt when he said that, before watching as a dog walked up to him. Feeling Andy walk up to him, before jumping up onto his lap, Matt smiled as he put his hand on his head; after which, he stroked it with his thumb and smiled. "Hey buddy, what are you doing out here?" Andy barked when he said that, before just looking at his boss; after which, he walked away to the bed that he has in Matt's office. The bed that he made sure to buy and keep right where Andy likes it, close to him. "I can see that someone likes to follow you." Matt sighed. "Service dog for PTSD." Seager then realized that, before taking a breath. "Sorry it got that bad Captain." Matt agreed with Seager as she said that, before going ahead with looking at the pictures of their (former) home again. He then went to look at the walls in the home, before seeing that there was something on the wall; more specifically, it was something that could most definitely could lead to them creating a fire. "Well, I can definitely see something is going on here."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now