Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One

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Hi Readers: and welcome to another day of chapters. I want to first apologize for the fact that there were only three updates yesterday, as I did hope to publish more than I did. However, I am at least proud of the fact that I have crossed a milestone for myself; and that's 100,000 published words in this story. I hope to (someday) reach a grand total of a million or more words in this story, but that is still far off. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to try; that I'm not going to try and write as many, and as long of chapters as I can in order to achieve the goal as soon as I can. But for now, I think we can both agree that this note that I have written for you is already long enough; and now, it's time for me to get to what we really want to read today. And that's some more chapters. So, here with go with some more chapters for you guys about Matt and Gabby's Romantic Getaway (amongst other things that I plan on covering today). I mean, we do have to check on the other couples (e.g. Jay and Alex, Kelly and Stella) at some point right? Thanks again for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Now, let's get to Part Five of Day Two of their Romantic Getaway.

They were now back in bed, holding each other close as they cuddled up to each other under the sheets; but there was one thing that was not currently covered as the couple "Streamed and Chilled" in bed with each other, and that was Gabby's body. While it was not completely revealed, as she was wearing a shirt; that didn't mean that her entire body was covered by the shirt. That was due to the fact that Gabby only decided to put his dress shirt on top of her shoulders, while not doing the buttons up; and there was a reason for her to do that. And that was because she wanted to give him free roam of her body, as they just enjoyed this cozy time that they were enjoying with each other; and let's just say that it was everything she wanted. The way that he was currently making her feel right now was incredible, and the smile that was currently on her face was exactly what she wanted to be plastered on there at the moment; what the both of them wanted to be plastered on there at the moment. The pure sense of comfort and joy that came from just laying down in bed with the man she loves, as he holds the covers on top of them just enough; oh, and the way his muscular arm wraps itself around her waist. It just feels perfect, and she truly feels like it's just what she needs to do with her husband right now.

Heck, she barely even needs to talk to him; and that's because she's just too happy to interrupt what was going on right now, and that was them getting nice quality time with each other as they watched one of her shows. The show that she was currently watching? Law and Order. While they originally planned on using Netflix to watch TV, they later changed their mind and instead decided to use Amazon Prime to watch some Law and Order; a show that her brother got her hooked on when she was a kid, and continued to watch with him when he was growing up (and going through the academy). Due to their age difference, she and Antonio never really had much in common until they were adults; except for Law and Order, a show that they watched religiously together each and every week. And there was a reason (to this day) that she never liked to watch this show alone, and that was the gory parts that she hated looking at when they came upon a murder victim; which is exactly what the detectives that were currently on scene just came upon. And that was why Gabby just nuzzled her head into the crook of Matt's neck, so that she could shield herself from having to see the gore that came with murder scenes. But rather than getting comfort from her husband, she instead heard him laugh.

He was laughing due to the fact that she was scared of the scene that was right in front of her, a scene that she's seen much worse. I mean, she's had to look at burn victims in her career, yet she can't look at bloody murder victims? It's just weird for him. But he has to say that he does enjoy the feeling of her cuddling up to him some more, as it means that they are just holding each other close in a way that he truly enjoys holding his wife; a way that is very sexual due to the fact that she was currently braless, and he really liked the feeling of her semi-naked body against his chest whenever he got the chance to feel it. And right now, that was one of those times, with her gorgeous body just right against him as they held each other close; and boy was he not ready to let this feeling go. He was ready to hold onto it for as long as he can, because he knows that he's probably not getting more sex until later at the earliest; not that he needs to have sex today, because he is more than happy to just spend this time with Gabby. Time where he gets to hold her in his arms like this, and just wrap his arm around her body; the body that he loves to run his hand around, while holding her in his arms. Running his hand up her back (under his dress shirt), Matt smiled due to the fact that he was very happy with his beautiful wife.

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