All's Good

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. My apologies for having started late today, but I had a meeting which I had to attend prior to posting this chapter. However, I do still plan on writing as much as I can today, so I hope that you can forgive me for starting late. Now, I am not going to waste anymore time; and I am just going to get started. Here we go with Chapter Forty-One.

Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
Back at the hospital, Alex and Jay were all smiles as they (along with Max) made their way out of the maternity (prenatal) wing of the hospital; yes, the hospital does everything that relates to pregnancies and childbirth in one wing of the hospital. And the truth is that, it was one of the reasons that they chose the hospital; and it was also due to the fact that it was quite helpful to Jay, as it allowed him (and to a lesser extent, Max) get situated with the area of the hospital where they will be welcoming their daughters to the world. And that's definitely something that the future grandfather was happy about; yes, you heard that right. Future grandfather. The reason that he was here, is the fact that Alex was finally able to lure Sgt. Henry "Hank" Voight (aka her father) out of the windy city; and therefore, down for a visit for at least a few days. A visit that (just so happened) to also be right around the time in which she was due for one of her regular OB/GYN visits. But that was not the only reason why Alex was glad that her father came down to visit them, in Hawaii.

Alex is (of course) really happy that her father came down to visit her in Hawaii for a few days, especially since it's finally going to give her a chance to do something that he really needs to understand; and that's just how great of a life that they have down here, and just how much they really like being here in Hawaii (while also showing off the nice new home that they have). And let's just say that her father (and Jay's father-in-law) is quite impressed with everything that Jay has set up for his daughter (and future granddaughters). And while he does miss his daughter, he can (now) truly see that she's happy. "So, you've been coming here every three weeks right? Or is it every four weeks? However often the schedule is..." Groaning when he heard his father-in-law say that, Jay Halstead just took a breath as he wasn't really in the mood to talk about this; especially not after the hell that he's been going through ever since he started having dreams about his children being born early (which have started ever since the Casey twins were born early).

And that was something that Alex knew full well, which was why she was (a bit) understanding when it came to the fact that he just groaned; yet, that didn't mean that she liked the sound of him groaning while they're talking to her father. "Jay..." Turning to look at his wife, Jay smiled as felt her wrap her arms around his bicep and intertwine their fingers; after which, he shut up after realizing that it wasn't a good time to talk about it. Stroking Jay's hand as they continued to walk away from the clinic, Alex proceeded to whisper in his ear. "How about you go ahead? I can talk to him if you want." Turning to look at his wife, Jay agreed with her. Wrapping his arm around Alex before putting his hand on her butt, Jay smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly; at the same time, Alex grabbed the back of his head and smiled at him. "Please, just let me do the talking for a minute?" Looking into Alex's eyes, Jay nodded before kissing her again. "How about you go see your brother for a bit?" Jay nodded, well aware as to why she told him to go see Will.

It was so that she could talk to her father. But the truth was, he liked the idea; especially since it'll give him time to do something. "Can I give him one of those extra scans that we got?" Alex agreed with Jay as she proceeded to open her little purse, before going to give Jay one of the pictures; a picture that he can give to Will. "Oh, while you're on your way to the clinic; make sure that you stop at the pharmacy..." Jay laughed, before agreeing with his wife as she said that. "Why do you think we parked over there?" Alex then realized that before smiling, just because of how smart her husband truly is. "Smart husband." Jay smiled when Alex said that, before leaning in to kiss her again. "Enough, now go talk to your brother. I'll be right there with my dad okay?" Jay agreed with Alex when he told her that, kissing her one last time. "Love you." Alex agreed with her husband when he said that, smiling at him. "I love you too." Alex then watched as Jay turned his head and spoke to Max. "C'mon Max, let's go see uncle Will and aunty Nat." Jay then walked away.

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