You Fell Asleep in My Arms

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters and are ready for a bunch more. However, we all know what this chapter is going to be about; and that's putting the finishing touches on the previous day. I hope you guys are ready for that, and a bunch more today. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see where this journey continues to take us. Now, let's get to it. Here's Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine.

He just finished in the bathroom this evening, which meant that he was finally ready; ready to join the woman he loves in bed, as she slept in their hospital bed. And that's actually something that she's been doing for the past hour, as she ended up falling asleep in his arms; something that he hopes doesn't need to happen once again, as he would much rather she just stay asleep. That she stays fast asleep in their bed, as he climbs in with her. And that was why Jay was currently looking at Max, making sure that he was quiet; and it was also why he also just took him out to the washroom, so that he doesn't need to go out for the rest of the night. In fact, he thinks that Max is even asleep as he laid down on his dog bed right next to his side of the bed; so, that's exactly where he had to stay every night. And Jay was glad that was the case, because he really does help him every night, and not just with his PTSD. Rather, he also helps him with his stress, and that truly is something that he enjoys; and he has a feeling that Max knows and takes advantage of.

And that was due to the fact that he always did some adorable things, that led to him getting to the attention that he always wants; he wants to get attention from him, as he rubbed his head. And right now, that most definitely was exactly what Jay was going to do, as he walked past him on his way to bed. Just smiling at his service dog, Jay smiled as he made his way over to him; after which, he bent down and looked at Max. Putting his hand on his head, Jay smiled as he rubbed it and just held him close. Smiling at Jay as he rubbed his head, Max looked up at his veteran; the dog well aware of what time it is, and what that means when it comes to the volume that he can do. And that was due to the fact that he's already been trained to change his behaviour, and how he's going to wake him up; and so far, things have gone really good due to the fact that Max has stopped doing what he normally does. He's stopped jumping on his chest (for the time being), and that was so that Alex didn't have to risk getting hurt; especially not while she's recovering right now.

But now, she was already starting to get better; and he was glad that was the case. But that didn't mean that Jay was ready to go to the status quo, because he was being cautious when it came to how they do things; and that was because he didn't want Alex to get hurt, not when her stitches are really just starting to heal. And he would much rather not have her need another surgery, like the one she needed to have when she gave birth to Michael and Olivia; but like he just said, that was in the past due to the fact that she recovered. Now, it's just time for him to relax and take it easy. Rubbing Max's head again, Jay smiled as he looked at him; after which, he got up so that he could get in bed with the woman he loves. Because that was where he needs to be right now, so that he can sleep in bed with the woman he loves, which is exactly where they both want him to be right now. They both want him to be in bed, and they want him to just relax and take it easy with each other. After all, that was exactly what both he and Alex wanted right now.

So, he decided that he was just going to get in bed with Alex; but he was going to try and do it quietly, as he didn't want to wake Alex up. He wants to make sure that she just take sit easy, and that she relaxes; with the hopes of her just slipping into his arms once again and falling asleep. Because that's all she really needs to do right now, sleep in his arms; she needs to get a lot of rest, and Jay was just happy that they were going to be doing this with each other. So, that was exactly what Jay was ready to do with the woman he loves. He was ready to get in bed with Alex, so that she can get in his arms and fall asleep once more. Now, that was going to be perfect; and it was going to be extremely comfortable. But like he just said, he really does hope that Alex doesn't wake up as they held each other close. Going to walk up to the side of his and Alex's bed, Jay smiled as he proceeded to open the covers; doing so very quietly so that he can get in without waking Alex up, but that most definitely was not what happened. Rather, she ended up waking up tonight.

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