Chapter Seven

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters that I posted (3-6), and I hope that you guys also like where this story is going. Now, if you guys have any comments on how you like it (or not); please let me know, and maybe we can figure something out to make sure that you guys enjoy it even more. I want to give you, the readers, what you guys are missing on the show; while also trying to incorporate what I want to write as well. In fact, I encourage you guys to send me ideas as I want the challenge. I want the challenge to try and add ideas. Thanks again for reading, and I hope to hear back from you guys. Now, let's get to it. Here's Chapter Seven, a family time chapter.

Well, mostly; you'll see what I mean by that asyou read the chapter. Thanks again for reading, and please enjoy.

When times are tough, you're told that you should lean on the ones you love. And when you're part of a family, those are the people that you need to lean on; whether they be blood relatives, or your should always lean on the people that you love, and who love you, when you need them the most. And it seemed that this was really one of those times. Not just for the husband and wife, but also for the young lady who was currently sitting on the back porch of his home this afternoon. While it did occur to the CEO to check on his wife regularly, to see how he's doing; Matt did feel a bit bad about how he's yet to check in on Eva. Yes, she's Antonio's daughter (and therefore not his responsibility); but she's also an employee. And when he first started the company, he promised himself that he'd check on his employees when he felt that they needed to be checked up on; that way, he'd know whether they were in the right head space to be working.

And right now, that was something that he felt like he had to do. He had to go check on his employee, but not as his company's CEO; rather, he had to do it as her uncle. And luckily for him, he bet that Camila didn't expect them to be downstairs so soon, and that meant that she still needed to finish making them some lunch. So, while Camila finished lunch (and Gabby took care of Matteo and Noah); Matt asked Gabby if he could step away for a moment, and go talk to Eva as she sat on the back porch. "Hey Gabby?" Turning to look at her husband as they finished setting up the boys in their chairs, Gabby smiled. "Yeah baby?" Matt then turned to look at Eva while getting close to his wife and wrapping his arms around her. "Do you think that you got the boys for a minute?" Looking at her niece as she sat outside, Gabby took a breath as she wrapped her arms around Matt; she then looked up at him. "You want to go talk to her for a bit?" Matt nodded, smiling.

"I just have this feeling, that I can get to her in a way that you can't. I mean, you're her aunt; but I can relate to her, having just gone through this with my mother. The fear that came with it, I bet that Eva is feeling all of the same things." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, as she thought that could definitely be the case. "I think that would be a great idea." Matt then took a breath and looked at Gabby. "Listen, I just hope you know that I don't think that you couldn't do it but..." Gabby then proceeded to lean up and kiss her husband softly. "Hey, take a breath and just relax honey. You just explained it to me. You just went through this with your mom, and I think that you made great points; you need to go talk to her, and you need to help her. Plus, I'm just going to get too emotional with my hormones if I try and talk to her." Matt smiled when he heard Gabby say that. "Hey, do you need to talk?" Gabby smiled. "Not right now, I'm okay; I promise."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, smiling as he bent down and then proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything. That was when Camila came out to see that Matt and Gabby were already downstairs, which surprised her (as they expected). "Matt and Gabby?" Gabby laughed as she let go of Matt and looked at her mom. "Hi mom." Camila agreed. "I didn't expect you to come down so fast. I thought, maybe another thirty minutes." Gabby agreed with her mom when she said that, smiling at her. "We're good mom. In fact, Matt just said that he's going to go talk to Eva for a bite; after all, he did just go through this with his mom." Camila agreed with Gabby when she said that, well aware that was the case. "Then I hope that you can make her feel better Matt." Matt agreed with his mother-in-law, smiling at her. "Listen, you have fun. But remember to take it easy. Uhm, I won't be able to..." Gabby just looked at Matt. "Just go outside." Matt agreed with his wife when she told him to go outside, which he promptly did shortly after she told him to.

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