Reversal: Talking Business in Bed

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Now, you must know where we're going to start today. And that would be with the big reversal that we had last chapter. Let me know what you think of the reversal and give me some ideas of things they can talk about when it comes to business in bed. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see what you guys think. But first, I want to say that I just started watching something on Netflix called "The Keepers" and it's already something that's intriguing me. If anybody watched it, I want to know because I would love to talk about it. Send me a message, and maybe we can talk. But for now, how about you guys just enjoy today's first chapter. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen regarding Gabby's reversal.

"I've actually changed my mind when it comes to me being against us talking about work in bed."

Those were the words that Matt never thought he'd ever hear Gabby say, and that was a big deal; in fact, it was such a big deal...that he decided that he needed to stop in his tracks and talk about it with her (as they relax in bed with each other). Not that it would be hard to do, as they are already (all comfortable) in bed with each other; in fact, just being in bed with Gabby meant that Matt was comfortable. The only thing that Matt needs to make him happy when he's in bed, is him holding the woman he loves close to him; in fact, them cuddling up to each other, and him stroking her stomach with his thumb is exactly what Matt wants to do to start this day of business today. And thankfully, that was exactly what they were doing right now; yet, at the same time...they were going to have a conversation about what Gabby just told him. And that would be about the fact that Gabby is now (seemingly) okay with them talking about business in bed, which she was adamantly against in the past. "Okay, now I hope you know that we need to talk about that."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he mentioned that they need to talk about her being okay with them talking about work in bed, which she now is. "Yes. Now, I am going to give you the floor; because this is something that you need to explain to me, due to the fact that this is your revelation to me. You need to talk to me baby and let me know what's going on in your head right now." Gabby took a breath as Matt mentioned that she needed to talk to him about it, but she also knew that she had to. "I guess, it's because of something that I've been realizing." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before bringing her even closer to his chest; after which, he moved his hand to her hip as they cuddled up to each other. Smirking due to the fact that Matt just cuddled up to her, Gabby put her hand on his muscular chest and stroked it with her thumb; at the same time, Matt moved his hand to her neck and then stroked her cheek with his thumb. Leaning in, Matt smiled as he proceeded to lean in and kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world.

"Okay, we need to talk about this now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I guess, there's a reason for my change of heart." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, before moving to grab her hand; after which, he intertwined their fingers while staring into her eyes. That way, he could just let her speak to him right now. Because that was what she needed to do. She needed to talk to him, and explain just what was on her mind right now. "Okay, so here's the thing. I know that you think that this is going to sound crazy to you..." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, as he most definitely will never think that she's crazy. "The day that I think that you're crazy, is the day I want to die." Gabby smiled, blushing as she heard Matt say that, as she loves Matt so much. "God, you really love to flirt with me; don't you Matt?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most definitely does love flirting with the woman he loves. "What do you expect? You're the woman I love, and I like to flirt with my girl."

Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that. "Oh god, what are you going to call me after we have Bella?" Matt was a bit confused when he heard Gabby say the name 'Bella' as that was not the name that they chose for their daughter. "I thought that we were going Grace?" Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, before going to tell him what she was thinking about. "Gracey Casey." Matt just thought about that name, and he most definitely didn't like the sound of that. "Yeah, I get that. I don't really like that name." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "We can keep changing the name until she's born, we have until your birthday." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Yes, yes we can; and we can most definitely keep thinking about names. But listen, we don't need to talk about that now. We're trying to concentrate on what we were just talking about, and that was how you're now okay with us talking about business in bed?" Gabby took a breath as Matt said that, as that was the truth now.

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