Post-Morning Sickness Snack

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She decided that she was still going to wear some lingerie, even though she doesn't feel the best. After all, she does want to please her husband; and that's most definitely something that she's in the midst of doing as she stands at the counter in their bathroom, with Jay standing in front of her right now. Putting his hands next to Alex on the counter, Jay smirked due to the fact that they're more than happy with each other. After all, this is something that they both want to do right now. They want to hold each other close whenever they get the chance, especially when they're in their undergarments; and that's exactly what they're in the midst of doing right now as Alex was currently just wearing her lingerie, while Jay was just wearing his boxers. And let's just say that they both love the way they're dressed right now. Moving his hands to her sides to show Alex that, Jay smirked as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss Alex softly; taking things nice and slow with her, Jay smirked as he showed her that he loves her so much. "God, I love you so much." Alex agreed.

"I love you too Jay, and I'm glad that we're holding each other close right now." Jay agreed with his beautiful wife when she said that, before smiling as he ran his hands up and down her back; I mean, what man doesn't want to run his hands all over his wife's gorgeous body, whenever they're wearing sexy clothes (which is exactly what they're in the midst of wearing). Bending down, Jay smirked as he proceeded to leave a kiss on her neck; after which, Alex ran her hands up his back and held her close. Picking Alex up in his arms shortly afterwards, Jay smiled as he went ahead and proceeded to set her down on the counter. "You ready to get in bed with each other?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay ask her whether she was ready to get in bed with him, as she most definitely is. She just wants to hold him in her arms, and wants to make sure that they relax with each other. "Yeah, I want to lay down in bed with you." Jay agreed with Alex as he told her that, before helping her down onto the ground right now; that way, they can get to bed.

Putting his hand out, Jay smiled as he watched Alex grab his hand; after which, he led her out to bed where they're going to relax with each other. Just leading Alex out to bed, Jay smirked due to the fact that they're both ready to hold each other close. "So, you glad that I decided to just wear my boxers, instead of wearing sweats?" Alex smiled as Jay asked her that, as she most definitely is. "Oh, I am so glad that you did." Walking over to their bed, Jay smiled as he looked at his dresser, which then led him to decide to set his sweats down, as he didn't need them in bed. Walking over to his dresser, Jay smiled as he turned to look at Alex. "Give me a second." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, before standing there. At the same time, Jay proceeded to fold his sweats so that he can set them down on his dresser; after which, he turned to look at Alex and smirked due to the fact that she looks really sexy in her lingerie. After which, he got close to her again before walking over to Alex; wrapping his arms around Alex, Jay smirked at his beautiful wife.

After which, Alex put her hands on his arms and smiled as she stepped close to him again; after which, she wrapped her arms around his back and lean in to kiss him softly. Taking things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, Alex smirked due to the fact that this is everything that she wants to do right now. She wants to hold her husband close to her, and she just wants to relax right now. "Listen, what do you say we get in bed? I know that you made food for me?" Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling as he proceeded to continue leading her towards their bed. After which, he smirked as he led his gorgeous wife to their bed; I mean, where else do the couple want to be? They want to hold each other close in bed, and they want to just take it easy in bed. And that's exactly what they're going to want to do with each other right now. They're going to hold each other close, and they're going to relax with each other right now.


She's now back where she wants to be right now, and that's in bed with the man she loves as he holds her close to his chest; and even better, she gets to cuddle up to him with her arms around his toned chest. God, they way they just hold each other close is perfect. Now this is what Alex wants to do. She wants to hold Jay close to her, as they both relax with each other. They want to hold each other, and they want to make sure that they're taking it easy right now. Just looking at his wife as he got comfortable in bed with her, Jay smiled as he leaned back against his pillow; after which, Alex wrapped her arms around his toned chest and tugged the covers up on top of the both of them. Jay then proceeded to grab the plate of food, moving it into his lap so that Alex can eat. Just looking at Jay, Alex smiled due to the fact that this is exactly what she wants, she wants to eat with him in bed. Grabbing her first bite, Alex smiled as she took it; and let's just say that it was perfect. Nothing like the both of them holding each other close, as they cuddled in bed.

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