Comforting and Talking: Not Going

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope you guys liked the little cliff-hanger that I ended on yesterday and are ready to see what happens in the aftermath of said cliff-hanger. I hope that you guys like it and are ready to keep reading. Thanks again for reading my story and let me know what you guys think. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Eleven.

'If you go to the hospital, send our apologies to Alex and Jay. We can't go.'

That was the message that she had to send to her brother, as she knew that he was still going to go to the hospital; even if she and Matt weren't going to support them, because they just couldn't go there. Well, Matt couldn't go there. It would be too hard for him to be there, too stressful for him to be there; and it would be very taxing on his PTSD, which is something that she most definitely doesn't want. In fact, Gabby has even spoken to their mothers; she explained to them what happened, and how Matt is having some trouble with his PTSD. And the moment they heard that, they both knew what Gabby was asking them to do; and that was continuing to take care of Matteo and Noah for a while, for an undetermined amount of time. She didn't even need to ask them to do that, they just knew; they knew that, in these times, Gabby had to be alone with Matt. Matt needed to be alone with the woman he loves, so that she can give him the comfort that he wants to have from her. And luckily for Matt, that's exactly what Gabby plans on doing now.

She plans on joining him in bed, and comforting him as they talk; but first, she needed to do something else for him. She needed to keep the promise that she made for him, about something that she was going to wear when they got back from the hospital. And that would be to wear her lingerie, in the hopes of getting him to open up to her, because that's what he needs to do right now. He needs to open up to her, so that she can help him get through this hard time. After all, she can already see that he's struggling with something right now; and it breaks her heart to see what this is doing to Matt, and that she didn't have the ability to see it before it happened. But now, that was no longer the case; as she was here, and she was going to do whatever she can to make sure that they talked to each other...and that she gave him whatever he needed to feel better. And that was exactly what she planned on doing, as she wore some sexy lingerie for him; lingerie that she was certain will entice him to do something for her in return, as he needs to.

And that would be to get changed out of the clothes that he planned on wearing to the hospital, as she knew that they can't be comfortable as he sat in bed right now. I mean sure, does he look handsome in the clothes that he was wearing right now? Of course, he did, because he always looks handsome in whatever clothes he wears. But that didn't mean that it was comfortable, because wearing jeans in bed can never be comfortable; and that was why she was going to make sure that he was going to get changed, that he was going to strip down so that they could relax in each other's arms. Just making her way over to the man she loves on his side of the bed, Gabby took a breath as she looked at him; after which, she put her hand on the side of his head and looked at the man she loves. Feeling Gabby put her hand on the side of his head, Matt came to and started to concentrate on her; at the same time, he turned his head and looked up at the woman he loves (while also continuing to scratch the top of Andy's head, who was there).

He was always there, by Matt's side, in times where he needs him; and this most definitely was one of those times, as he had a lot on his mind at the moment. Things that were making his mind run, as that was always what happened when he started to have PTSD; but at least he was getting a bit of a distraction right now, which was exactly what Gabby wanted to happen. She wanted her lingerie to distract him a bit, and it was working. "Oh." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, well aware that he liked the sight of the lingerie that she was wearing for him; after which, she bent down and proceeded to kiss him softly. Taking things nice and slow with the man she loves, Gabby smiled as she was happy to be here with the man she loves. "You okay?" Matt sighed as he looked at Gabby. "I just feel bad that we're disappointing Jay and Alex, because we can..." Gabby shook his head as she heard Matt say that, as she doesn't want him to force himself to do anything that he doesn't want to. "Antonio's going to go for us." Matt took a breath and felt bad.

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