I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms

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Hello Readers: Wow. Chapter Fifty. I am so glad that we are finally here, because I am more than ready to give you so many more chapters; but here we go with another nice chapter for you guys, a chapter that will include some well needed lunch for Gabby.

She decided that she didn't want to be apart from her husband, and that she wanted to stay in his arms; and that meant that she needed to go downstairs and be with her husband, and just spend some time with him as he makes them some lunch. And maybe then, they can stay downstairs for a bit (rather than eat in bed). If there was one thing that she hated, it was eating in bed; and that was for the simple fact that it meant that her husband was going to have to leave her (again) at some point, and that's since he would have to bring their plates downstairs and do the dishes. But if she eats downstairs with him, then she can just stay here with him and share some kisses with him as they hold each other close; and that's definitely something that they are both interested in doing, at least Matt will be when he realizes that she's downstairs with him. And that will happen the moment she walks into the kitchen of their home. Smiling as she walked in, Gabby just looked at her dreamy husband as he stood there in his tight boxers; the boxers that she always loves seeing him wear, and that will most definitely allow her to tease him in a way that he will not be expecting her to do.

Walking over to him in the kitchen, Gabby smirked as she went ahead and proceeded to put her hands on his butt; after which, she squeezed it as a way to tease her husband. After all, that was what he was doing right now; he was teasing her by wearing those tight boxers for her right now. Jumping as he felt someone squeeze his butt, Matt turned around before looking at his wife; the wife who just squeezed his butt as a way to tease him. "Woah, what was that?" Gabby smiled as she got close to the man she loves, before stepping in front of the man she loves; wrapping her arms around him shortly afterwards, Gabby smiled as she held him close to her. After which, Matt moved his hand to her butt and smiled as he put his hand on it. Bending down shortly after his beautiful wife stepped in front of him, Matt smirked as he bent down and proceeded to kiss Gabby softly. "Now, what in the world are you doing down here?" Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt smiled as he stared into her eyes while stroking her cheek. "I thought you were going to stay in bed while I made us some food." Wrapping her arms around Matt's back, Gabby smirked as she looked up at her man.

"While I was sitting up there, I realized something; if we eat lunch upstairs, that means that you need to leave bed again after we eat so that you can bring the plate downstairs." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby say that, before bending down and proceeding to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Matt smirked due to the fact that he's really happy over the fact that she decided to do just that. And it also reminded him of something else, that he has a very smart wife. Moving his hand to Gabby's neck again, Matt smiled as he continued to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "You are so smart." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before proceeding to lay her head down on his muscular chest again; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arm around her and just bent down to kiss the top of her head. "Sorry I changed my mind when it came to what I wanted for lunch, I decided to actually make some sausages." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that he was making sausages, as that's something that she most definitely does want to enjoy right now.

She wants to have some delicious sausages, which will be made by her husband for her. Moving his hand to Gabby's neck once again, Matt smiled as he looked down into her eyes and just stroked her cheek with his thumb. Looking up into Matt's eyes, Gabby smiled as she knew that this is something that she's really happy about; she's really happy over the fact that she has the man she loves holding her close to his chest. Moving to kiss Gabby's forehead softly, Matt smirked due to the fact that they are both really happy right now. The way that Gabby is standing close to him is definitely something that he always enjoys, because he always enjoys the feeling of his wife in his arms. That's when he decided to whisper to her. "How about you go sit on the couch and relax for now? Then I can give you a massage as we eat, because I know the other reason that you're down here." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, before looking up at Matt. After which, he proceeded to push a strand of hair behind her ear as he stared into her eyes.

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