Breakfast in Bed, as Requested

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys, but things happen, and I ended up getting delayed after the previous chapter. Now, let's not waste any more time and just get this one out to you nice and quick, then we can get back to it.

He just finished making him and Gabby some breakfast and was now on his way up to the bedroom where he plans on spending some quality time with her; and let's just say that Gabby is quite happy that's going to be the case, especially since it's going to give her some time to get comfort from the love of her life. After all, it's what she needs from him right now. But why does she need comfort, might you ask? Well, that was due to the fact that she just had a flashback; a flashback to when she gave birth to the boys, as this situation that Jay and Alex now find themselves in is similar to when they gave birth to the boys. And at the same time, Gabby also felt bad for Jay specifically; after all, he has PTSD, and she knows (based on Matt's experience after she gave birth to the boys prematurely) that it can be especially hard on them. She still remembers what her giving birth prematurely has done to Matt, and she hates it; but for it to happen to Jay as well, well that's just something that breaks her heart (regardless of the fact that she's his ex-girlfriend).

Well, if she can even call herself that; because she doesn't exactly know if that's something that she, herself, is comfortable calling herself as their relationship was not one that you can associate with the title of girlfriend. But still, that doesn't mean that her heart can't break for him as a friend, or as Alex's friend. Ever since Alex stared to work (a majority of the time) at ELLA (rather than Casey Police), she's felt this type of connection with her; especially since they thought that they were going to be having twin girls, which is something that she would've loved to have (not that she's complaining that she had twin boys). After all, you all know that Matt and Gabby both love Matteo and Noah for than anything; and that's something that'll never change. If anything, she just falls more and more in love with them each and every day. But those boys of hers are the only men in her life that she falls in love with more and more each and every day, as she also does the same thing with her dreamy husband; especially when he does something special.

And that's even more the case when he does something romantic, which is something that he just so happens to be doing for her right now. As you know, Matt already made them some breakfast for the both of them; and they agreed that they were going to have breakfast in bed, even though they did have the option to eat out in the kitchen (since breakfast was still being made when she came back to their room). But she decided otherwise, as this is what she really wanted. She wanted time with her husband, where they can share a nice breakfast in bed alone; without any interruptions from their families, which is something that they desperately need at times. And right now, this would be one of those times; especially since they just want to relax with each other, as they take it easy in bed. And boy is it going to be nice when Matt is finally in bed with her, as it means that she's going to be able to cuddle up to her dreamy husband as he holds her close. (After all, it's something that Matt's already planning to do; just like they always do).

They always hold each other close and cuddle up to each other when they agree to spend the day in bed with each other. However, there is still one decision that the couple need to make; and that would be the attire that Matt was going to be wearing as they cuddle up to each other; not that the decision hasn't already been made, especially after Matt just noticed what undergarments Gabby is currently wearing more him. And that would be lingerie; lingerie that daddy loves looking at because his wife is so damn sexy, and Matt is positive that she knows that better than anybody else. "Okay, now this really isn't far. I mean, damn baby." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt tell her that, well aware of just what he's talking about; and that would be the outfit that she's currently wearing for him, and plans on wearing for him all day. "Oh shut up, and don't you dare try and lie by telling me that you don't like the outfit that I'm currently wearing for you." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, as he most definitely will do not such thing.

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