A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of today's chapters so far? Well, I hope that you guys are enjoying them. But right now, I have decided to go ahead and change what couple I am going to spend some time with after I spent a while with the Caseys; and that couple is going to be Jay and Alex Halstead. Hope you guys enjoy these chapters that I am going to write for you. Thanks again for reading, and here we go with Chapter Fifty-Three. The first of a few chapters with the Halstead Family.

Home of Jay & Alex Halstead – Primary Suite
He was currently in the midst of speaking to security, the security that he was going to need to ask for help so that he can take Max out to the washroom; yes, Jay believes that he has to call security so that he can take Max out. He just hopes that the security team doesn't think that they're crazy. Taking a breath as he went to call one of the security guards that were in the lobby, Jay went ahead and waited for one of them to answer; and that's when they finally did. More specifically, the head of security Mike Davidson answered the call that he was making to him. "Good afternoon Mr. Halstead, I apologize for the wait that came with you having to answer." Jay agreed with the security guard when he said that, well aware that he has to do other things. "How bad is it downstairs?" Hearing the worry in the veteran's voice, the security guard thought twice about what he should answer. But that was not the only thing that he had to worry about, as he also had to worry bout the fact that the man on the other end of the phone was an executive.

An executive who was a friend to the Chairman and CEO of the company that he works for, and allows him to provide for his family; and that was why the decision to tell the executive the truth, the truth of situation that was going on right now. "Sir, there are a few photographers across the street; and there are some that are trying to sneak in, with the hopes of getting some comments from employees." Taking a breath when he heard the security guard say that, Jay just shook his head as that was something that worried him. "Well, I need to take Max out to the washroom." Mr. Davidson agreed with the executive when he said that, before telling him exactly what he needs to hear right now. "Mr. Halstead, I will send you a security guard to be with you the entire time. Can I give him the secure key to meet you at the condo?" Jay agreed with the security team when he said that. "Of course, I will see you soon." Mr. Davidson agreed with Jay once again, before hanging up so that he could take care of getting a security guard up to his home.

Setting his phone down in his pocket, Jay took a breath as he looked at his sleeping wife as she relaxed in their bed; and boy does he like the fact that she was currently fast asleep in their bed, or at least she was until now. Rolling over in bed, Alex looked at her husband after hearing Jay's voice; and more specifically, the worry that was in his voice. Looking at him, Alex took a breath. "Jay, you okay? I heard you call security. Wait, is something wrong? God, are they really starting to hound us now?" Seeing that Alex was starting to get worried, Jay went ahead and walked around the bed while still just wearing some jeans (the future father having yet to put a shirt on, which he was originally going to do after he finished on the phone); and that was due to the fact that he and Alex were just resting in bed right now, and they therefore didn't feel like they needed to be dressed. Walking up to Alex's side of the bed, Jay smiled as he proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Alex's stomach; after all, Alex does need to relax.

"Hey, it's all okay. There's nothing wrong. Everything's okay." Putting her hand on Jay's hand, Alex got a bit concerned regardless of what Jay just told her. After which, she decided to sit up and looked into Jay's eyes; and that prompted Jay to get even closer to her, with the goal of giving her some more comfort. Comfort that she needed so that she can relax and not put their children at risk. Stroking her stomach with his thumb, Jay looked into Alex's eyes before leaning in to kiss her softly; and let's just say that Alex loved it whenever Jay kissed her, because he is the man of her dreams. "I love you." Jay agreed with Alex when she told him that, smiling at his beautiful wife. "I love you too, and I am so glad that you're taking this so good; but I called security because Max needs to go out, and I wanted to see how things are downstairs." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, well aware of what he was talking about; while he tried to keep the fact that there were photographers outside a secret from her, she knew based on the media reports.

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