Chapter Fifty-Five

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the most recent turn in my story, in which I moved them from Hawaii to California. If you guys are still here after the change, I truly appreciate the fact that you guys are still here. And that's why I am here to make sure that you continue to enjoy this story, by giving you more chapters that you can love each and every day. Thanks again for reading.

He ended up waking up early again this morning, but this time he knew that he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep; so, Matt decided that he wasn't just going to stay in bed again. Rather, he decided that he was going to be productive and start the boys' morning routine; even though it was only 7:30 in the morning. And that was exactly what he was in the midst of doing, as he rocked Matteo in his arms while he stood in the kitchen; at the same time, Matt was in the midst of making Matteo a bottle a milk, along with a cup of coffee for himself. And let's just say that it was going to be something he will enjoy, especially after a hard night. Just rubbing Matteo's back as he held him in the baby carrier, Matt smiled as he kissed his forehead and made sure that he stayed quiet as he hummed for him. And let's just say that Matteo was definitely enjoying that, along with the sound of his papa's heartbeat in his ear. And that was what Matt believed was keeping Matteo calm right now, which was something that he wanted Matteo to be. Ever since this circus all started, Matt was so worried about how this would affect the boys, and he planned to do whatever he could to help them. And that most certainly was exactly what he was in the midst of doing, while holding them in his arms and letting them listen to his heartbeat; not that he can really complain about the fact that his son is all cuddled up to him, because he loves the feeling of it.

Running his hand up and down Matteo's back, Matt smiled as he kissed his forehead again before hearing both his coffee and the bottle maker ding. Looking at Matteo, Matt smiled as he spoke to him. "Hey buddy, you ready to have some milk? Yeah, I bet you are." Kissing Matteo's forehead this morning, Matt smiled due to the fact that this was everything that Matt wants right now. He is so happy over the fact that he is currently holding Matteo in his arms, as he gives him the comfort that he needs right now; especially when he's in this confusing time. He has been through so much since he was born, Matt can't help but wonder what type of affect this is having on the boys. And that is most definitely something that Matt plans on talking to Gabby (and other people about). But that would happen later, because Gabby was currently asleep (unlike him and Matteo); and that was why he was here, getting him a bottle ready, along with a coffee ready for himself. Grabbing Matteo's bottle, Matt smiled as he set it down before grabbing the coffee from the coffee maker; pouring it into a mug (which he got out when he first started brewing the coffee), Matt smiled due to the fact that he was ready to have a cup of coffee. But he wasn't the only one who was ready to have some coffee, as Jay felt the same way today.

Coming out with Max, Jay smiled when he smelt some coffee. "Is that some coffee?" Turning his head, Matt was a bit shocked when he saw Jay there. "Someone's up early." Jay sighed when Matt mentioned that he was up early, because there most certainly was a reason why he was awake early. "Yeah." Just looking at his friend and executive, Matt took a breath as he could see the same types of feelings that he was feeling at the moment; the feelings that came with him having PTSD, and/or a bad dream. "Okay, I am just going to go out on a limb here; and I am going to guess that you had PTSD?" Jay sighed as he made his way over to the place where he has Max's bowls set up in the house, before agreeing with the CEO. "By the way, you okay with me having Max's bowls out like this?" Matt agreed with Jay when he asked him that, before smiling at him. "Jay, of course I am. I told you that when we first moved here, that I want you to feel at home as much as you can." Jay agreed with Matt when he said that, before taking a breath as he stood up and looked at his boss. After which, he looked at the man who was currently holding Matteo on his chest. "Someone looks comfortable on your chest." Matt sighed as he looked down at Matteo and then kissed the top of his beautiful baby boy's head.

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