Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy

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Hello Readers: I hope that you guys are okay that I am starting late, but there is a good reason as to why I am starting late; and that's due to the fact that I had an interview today, which I believe went really well. Now, I am not going to waste anymore time in making you wait for chapters. So, here with go with Chapter Forty-Nine, a reply to the dream; a reply that will start with a bit of confusion.

Emilia Marie Casey. That was such a beautiful name, and it most certainly was a name that Matt would definitely enjoy calling his daughter for the rest of her life; and he can already think of some cute nicknames in his head as to what he can call his daughter, nicknames such as Emi. And boy did Matt like the sound of him calling his future daughter that, each and every day for the rest of his life. But he also liked the other name that he just thought about in his head, and that name was Andy. But no, that was not going to be the name of Emilia's twin brother; rather, it was going to be the name he may use for his future service dog for PTSD. And while he isn't too sure about that (even though Gabby said that she'd be okay with him having a service dog), he'll still have to look into it; and just what it may mean for his future. But there was one thing that he most definitely was not going to have to ever reconsider, and that was the name that he wants to use for the name of his and Gabby's (hypothetical) future daughter; Miss Emilia Marie Casey.

And that name was Emilia Marie Casey, the name that he was thinking of from the start right now. But there was just something about the name, the name Emilia Marie, that made him feel like that was going to be his daughter's name. Of course, that didn't mean that it was a done deal; as he (of course) still had to speak to Gabby about what she thinks, as "Emilia" wouldn't just be his daughter. Rather, she would also be Gabby's daughter. And if they ended up having a daughter, then he most certainly wanted to have the ability to say the name Emilia for the rest of his life. So much so, that he decided to say the name right now to say he could hear it for the first time. "Emilia" However, Matt saying that name did not please his wife whatsoever; especially not when she's about to suck on his chest (and because she also just name love to her husband). So, here Gabby was, naked on her loving husband's chest; only to head another female name while she was in the midst of doing this. And boy did that make Gabby mad (and jealous) because it was not her name.

And that was something that she was going to make clear to her husband. "Who's Emilia? And why are you saying HER name, when you're naked, in bed, with me; your WIFE!" Looking down at his wife when she said that, Matt got a bit nervous; however, not as nervous as he would've been in the past. And that's due to the fact that Gabby should already know that there's nobody else that he wants to be with, especially since they just renewed their vows; Gabby will be his wife for the rest of his life, and that's something that he can already promise his wife. That she will be his wife for the rest of his life, which is something that she is about to be reminded on; especially when he would NEVER be caught dead cheating on his wife, for the simple fact that his brother-in-law is a boxer. "Okay, first of all; let me remind you that your brother is a boxer, and I would never do anything that would cause him to get mad a me. Nor would I do anything that would case him to wreck my face when I am now a Chief Executive Officer." Gabby then thought about it.

And she agreed with him, before hearing Matt point some other things out. "Also, I think we both know that I need you in my life babe. You know me the best, and you also know my past; Gabby, I want you to look up at me okay?" Gabby looked up at her husband when he told her that, before proceeding to look up into his eyes. "Baby, I want you to remember that I don't just want to be with you." Going to grab his wife's hand, Matt proceeded to put her hand on his chest; after which, Matt stroked it with his thumb and looked down into his eyes. "I need you Gabby. You know about my past, and you're the only one that can really help me with my PTSD. If I started dating somebody else, I would have to say all of that; and I think we both know that's not easy to me." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, before proceeding to slip up his muscular chest; after which, she wrapped her arms around him and rolled over (while tugging Matt with her). At the same time, Matt rolled over and proceeded to lay down on his side too.

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