A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton

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Hello Readers: And Happy Holy Thursday. And boy, what a crazy night we had last night. I truly loved Casey's return to Chicago Fire, and I truly want to thank Jesse for taking time to film this episode; yet, at the same time...it also makes me want to come back full-time. But I also know that he needs to make that choice for himself, and we need to respect his decisions; especially after hearing just how crazy his life is now that he's a father. And that's why I want to send a personal message to him and his wife. I am so glad that your child is okay because I know that must've been a real stress for you. But other than that, let's get back to the story. Here we go.

July 27, 2019 – Playa San Juan Leighton
They decided to get up early today, wanting to get out of the house for a bit before it got too warm; and they said that they wanted to make sure to get a bit of exercise ahead of them relaxing in bed today, without the boys. And that's something that they were ready for. But right now, that wasn't what they were thinking about; at least, it wasn't what Matt was thinking about. Rather, he was thinking about what happened yesterday. How Antonio took Andy out for a walk without his permission, and how he reacted to it; he just felt horrible, and he couldn't help but wonder whether he overreacted. And that's why Matt wanted to take a walk with Gabby this morning, so that he could talk to her about it. And that's what he decided to do, ask his wife whether he had a right to be mad. "Can I ask you something that I want you to be honest with me about?" Turning her head to look at her loving husband, Gabby smiled as he most definitely could do just that. "Hey, of course you can baby. You can always talk to me about what's going on in your head."

Matt took a breath as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case. "Sorry that I even thought that I couldn't talk to you about this." Gabby sighed as she looked at Matt when he said that, before stroking his arm. "Is it related to the fact that I'm pregnant again, already?" Turning to look at Gabby as she asked him whether it was related to the fact that she was pregnant again, Matt was absolutely shocked; so shocked, that it caused him to stop walking. After which, he tugged on Andy's leach. "Andy, sit." Looking up at his master, Andy agreed with him before relaxing. After which, Matt proceeded to get close to the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Hey, of course not. Please baby, never think that way. Gabby, I want you to hear me when I say that; so please look into my eyes and listen to me." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her t hat, before smiling at him. After which, Matt proceeded to bend down and kiss her softly. "Okay, so this is what I need to tell you okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt, nodding.

"I never want you to think that I'm not happy about us being pregnant with our child. I'm thrilled over the fact that we're having another baby, and I want you to know that. Okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that's the case. After which, she stepped close to him and just stared into his eyes; after which, Matt wrapped his arm around Gabby and put his hand on her butt. Stroking her butt with his thumb, Matt smiled as he looked down at his wife; he then bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly, which Gabby most definitely did enjoy. She loves the feeling of his soft lips on hers, and Matt is very much aware of that fact. There really is nothing like the feeling of the both of them sharing a nice kiss with each other, because it's exactly what Gabby wants to have her loving husband do right now; she wants him to kiss her, and just hold her close. Putting his hand on Gabby's hip, Matt smiled due to the fact that he's really happy right now; especially due to the fact that they're having another baby next year, a girl.

"I had a dream last night." Gabby was a bit taken aback when she heard Matt say that. "That came out of the blue." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that's the case. "Yeah, I know but..." Matt then proceeded to grab her hand, smiling at her. "Hey, that doesn't mean that I don't want to hear about the dream that you had last night." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling at his girl as he wrapped his arm around her waist; after which, he bent down and kissed her softly one more time. And only after they shared another kiss, did he go ahead and tell Gabby about the dream that he can had the night before. "I think I already know the gender of our baby." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before laughing a bit. "I already know what you're going to say." Matt was a bit confused when he heard Gabby say that. "And is there a reason why you know that?" Gabby laughed. "Because I know that you want a daughter, if this is our last pregnancy; because we both know we aren't sure." Matt agreed.

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