Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two

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The couple just finished feeding their sons, which meant that they could cuddle up to each other again; at the same time, Matteo and Noah were going to play with each other in their play pen. And let's just say that it's most definitely the most adorable thing in the entire world. Watching as Matt carried Matteo over to the play pen, Gabby couldn't help but smirk over the fact that he's bending down wearing those tight boxers of his. They are so sexy, and Gabby just loves the fact that Matt has been wearing them all the time now a days. "Okay you boys, play good with each other; because the last thing that daddy wants to have to do, is get up and come break up a fight between you two. Rather, daddy would like to stay in bed and cuddle up to mommy in bed. So, please do your parents a favor." Gabby just laughed as she heard Matt say that, before shaking her head. As much as she loves her husband, she will not give in to his joke. Just smiling at her dreamy husband, Gabby smirked. "I swear, you really love making dad jokes; don't you baby?" Standing up after hearing Gabby say that, Matt smiled as he turned around and looked at the woman he loves more than anything.

"Oh, shut up, and don't tell me that you weren't thinking the same thing. We both know that you don't want the boys to disturb us; you want them to make sure that you get the attention that you want to have today, on your birthday." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling due to the fact that this really is the life of her dreams; it's everything that she's ever wanted, and she just wants to cuddle up to her man right now. "You made sure to put the padding down right? In case they lay down so that they can fall asleep?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she asked him whether he put the padding down, as he most definitely did put the padding down; he is a good father after all. "Baby, of course I put the padding down. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to me not making sure that the padding is down. I'll always put it down, as the last thing I want to do is get hurt by each other; or heaven forbid, by them falling onto the ground and hitting their heads." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as she's currently really happy.

But there's most definitely something that the wife really likes to see, and that would be the bulge that comes with her husband walking over to her in his tight boxers. "You ready to cuddle up to me in bed?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was ready to cuddle up to him. After which, she decided to sit up and good off her bra again. Smirking as Gabby did that, Matt walked over to his beautiful wife (who just threw the bra she was previously wearing on the ground); after which, he walked right up to her and watched her lay down in bed. Leaning over her, Matt smiled as he put his hand on her neck; he then bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. After which, he took things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Oh, I think I want you to get down in bed with me now. I want you to hold me close, and I want you to just cuddle up to me in bed." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before putting his hand on her neck. "So, are we just cuddling...or are we going to do something else?"

Gabby smiled as she heard Matt ask her whether they were doing something else. "Oh, we aren't having sex yet." Matt smiled at her. "Does that mean we're going to have sex later?" Gabby smirked as Matt asked her whether they were going to have sex later, because she most definitely wants to have sex with the man she loves later; after all, it is her birthday. "Oh, I do want to have you make love to me later. It's why our boys over there aren't going to sleeping in our room tonight, and I'm going to have my hunky husband alone in bed with me tonight." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife when she said that, before smiling as he climbed into bed with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; after which, he laid down next to her. At the same time, Gabby got close to Matt and just smiled as she cuddled up to him; after which, he moved his arm across her body to put it on her back. Moving her hand to Matt's face, Gabby smiled as she stroked his cheek and just held her husband close to her. After which, she kissed him softly today.

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