Post-Press Conference

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Chapters that will be quite interesting for all of you (in my opinion), as they are going to be filled with a bunch of romance; which I really do hope that you guys enjoy, especially since the romance is going to be in between our main couple. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy today's chapters.

Casey Headquarters – 26th Floor: Casey Penthouse
He could never blame her for feeling this way. He could never hold it against her for feeling worried, and quite stressed during this entire situation. Nor could he ever blame her for wanting to say what she said downstairs, which is why he didn't censor his wife; why he didn't stop her from saying what she said to the media, because he knew that he couldn't. But that was not the only reason why he didn't censor her, or stop her from saying the things that she said; the other reason is that he feels the same way. He believes that the media have overstepped, and have pushed way too far this time when it came to their sons. And that statement will always be true, as he wants to protect Matteo and Noah; it's something that he'll always want to do. And that's just something that truly makes Gabby love her husband more than anything in the entire world. The way that he wants to protect their family, and keep them same. After all, that's what he's done from the day that their children were born; and it's something that he'll do for the rest of his life, even if it costs him business. But right now, business was the last thing on his mind as he walked into the kitchen of his home, his penthouse.

Gabby was on his mind right now, and he was thinking about how much he loves her. How happy he always was with her, and how much he knows this is hurting her. And the truth is, he hates that this is hurting her so much; he just wants to do whatever he can to make it go away, which Gabby knows. She knows that he wants to do whatever he can to make the hurting stop, but that's not something that you can always do so easily, which is why she is going to do the same thing that he's going to do for her today, and that's give him comfort. And she's also going to reassure him that he's done everything right, and that there was nothing else that he could've done to prevent this from happening; and that's just a fact. But that was not the only fact that they needed to remind each other of today, as the other one was the main role that they always have in each other's lives; and that was that they are husband and wife, as well as parents to their baby boys first. If Matt has to give up business for the sake of protecting their sons, he's going to do it in a heartbeat; and that's something that he plans on telling Gabby today as he concentrates on her right now, maybe in bed.

But he wasn't going to push, because that was the last thing that he wanted to do. Coming out of his office where he just set up his laptop, Matt smiled as he walked in to see Gabby standing in the kitchen while making herself some tea. "You need some tea to relax?" Turning around to look at her husband as he heard her husband walk into the kitchen, Gabby took a breath as that was definitely something that she needed right now. "Yeah." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, well aware that was something that was true. Just looking at the woman he loves, Matt took a breath as he proceeded to make his way into the kitchen so that he can hold Gabby close to him. "Do you want me to make you some?" Matt just sighed as he looked at Gabby. "First, I want to say something." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, before watching as he walked over to her; wrapping his arms around Gabby shortly after walking over to her, Matt smiled as he felt Gabby put her hands on his jacket before going to undo it. Leaning up, she proceeded to kiss her husband softly; at the same time, Matt put his hands on her butt and just held his beautiful wife close to him.

"I'm sorry about all of this." Gabby just looked at Matt when he said that, hating that he feels like he needs to apologize right now. "Hey, why are you apologizing for this?" Matt looked down a bit when she asked him why he was apologizing, before moving to step close to Gabby once again; after which, he put his hand on the side of her face before bending down and kissing the woman he loves. "I'm the reason that this entire thing started. Had I..." Wrapping her arms around Matt's back, Gabby stopped him right away. After which, Matt put his hands on her arms when he heard her interrupt him. "Matthew Casey, I never want to hear you say that again. I want you to listen to me right now, okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, going ahead with listening to her. "Matt, you were a victim; and you are still a victim. What they did to us, it's wrong; and you are not to blame for this. I know that I don't blame you, nor does anybody else blame you." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before proceeding to kiss her softly. Taking things slow with her dreamy husband, Gabby smiled as she was really happy; happy to be alone with him right now, with no boys.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now