Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making

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Hello Readers: Before we begin, I want to say that this chapter is a new version of Chapter 5 of this pre-existing story. However, I decided that I wanted to make it longer because of how short it is. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this new version of the chapter. And, if it brings up any more ideas which I can add in; then, maybe I shall do just that. I'm not entire sure yet, but we shall see. Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you enjoy this new version of the chapter which I hope to write for you guys. Thanks again.

Date Updated: June 20, 2024

Halstead Condo, Casey HQ, Honolulu – To say that Jay felt horrible as he walked around his and Alex's home this morning shortly after getting home from the beach was an understatement, especially after how he made Alex feel. Well, how the food made her feel; though, he was the one who made their breakfast, so he definitely shared the blame when it came to the reason why Alex was feeling the way she was at the moment. And while he wishes there was a better reason why she ran away from him (and the beach), such as her wanting to get home as fast as they could so that they could get back in bed with each other, he couldn't say that due to the fact that she didn't run home for that reason. Rather, she ran home because of his stupidity in planning the romantic surprise he had for his gorgeous wife. Why he thought that having breakfast on the beach was a good idea when is his wife is pregnant?

He has no idea why he thought that way, as it ended up as bad as it could possibly end: with her throwing up all over his shirt while they were walking down the beach, hand-in-hand with their fingers intertwined. And while in hindsight, he should've expected this to happen as he left the butter longer than he should have; he just wished that she hadn't ran away after it happened, though that's precisely what Alex did. She ran away ahead of him, right into the offices and up to their condo where she was currently in the shower; no doubt trying to hide from him because of how embarrassed she probably felt at the moment over how she threw up over him. Though, in reality, she had no reason to hide, nor did she need to feel embarrassed over what she did. If anything, she should be mad at him for what he did to her as it was a stupid move. And that was precisely what he planned on telling his wife.

But first, he had to get in the shower with her; that way, he could talk to her and make her feel better, which is no doubt what she needs him to do right now: join her in the shower, so that he can make her feel better ahead of them taking it easy for the rest of the day. After all, that's what they're going to do, as it's what they need to do: take it easy. And as they take it easy with each other, Jay is going to hold Alex in bed, as they breathe. As he just said, it's what they need to do today, and it's what they're going to do today. Though, if Alex doesn't want to do it, then he's going to persuade her to do so for the sake of their children...just like he hopes to persuade her to let him join her in the shower this morning. Though, that was already proving harder than he thought it was going to be due to the fact that she locked the door to their primary suite bathroom; the door through which he heard her crying.

And as he heard Alex cry this morning, Jay could truly feel his heart break due to the fact that it was the last thing he wanted to hear when it was his fault that she was crying in the first place; and since the door is locked, there's nothing he can do about it. That was, until Alex let him in (literally and emotionally). "Alex, baby. Open the door for me. Open up Alex, let me in so that I can take care of you." Jay said, hoping that his wife would do just that for him; but rather than do so, she yelled in frustration: "WHY? SO THAT I CAN DO IT AGAIN? SO THAT I CAN THROUGH UP ALL OVER YOU AGAIN? NO THANKS!" Hearing and sensing the frustration she was dealing with at the moment, Jay teared up a bit as that wasn't how he wanted her to be feeling at the moment. Rather, he wanted her to just take it easy and breathe; both for her sake, but for the sake of their children as well. "Alex, I forgave you already. You know that."

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