Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I want to first acknowledge the fact that yes, there was another chapter one hundred which I posted at an earlier date; however, I decided to revise it as I wrote it late last night...and that always leads me to have a lot of mistakes in the spelling, and it also leads me to not including everything that I want to convey in the chapter. So, I am going to fix that by giving you a new version of this Chapter One Hundred (still shocked I can say that). Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you guys enjoy this new version of the chapter; and, of course, the rest of the story. Now, let's get to writing this new chapter for you.

He decided to do something romantic for his beautiful wife this morning, something that he already knows that she'll really appreciate; especially since it means that she will truly enjoy her breakfast this morning, and that it will stay down. And if you guess that Matt was going to make her breakfast in bed, then you'd be right; because that's exactly what Matt is going to do, while also doing something to keep their baby boys quiet. And that was going to be a lot of fun, as Matt loves spending time with his boys, which he most definitely is in the midst of doing, as he carried Noah towards his highchair (which is something that he just did with Matteo). Setting him down in his highchair, Matt smiled as he looked at Noah; after which, he grabbed the little "seatbelt" that they have in the highchair. Doing it up to keep him safe, Matt smiled as he made sure that it was done up well; that way, he was safe. After which, he bent down to kiss Noah's forehead. "There we go buddy, now you're all comfortable in your chair; aren't you my little Noah?"

Noah agreed with his daddy when he said that, before slapping his face. "Okay, take it easy. I know that you boys are happy that you're going to be spending a bit of guy time with daddy, but that doesn't mean that you're old enough to wrestle with me. Right now, you're still my adorable baby boy; and I most definitely am not ready to make your mommy mad by letting you wrestle." Standing up, Matt smiled as his beautiful baby boy; after which, he turned around so that he could make his way over to the pantry. That way, he could get the first part of his sons' breakfast; and that would be some cheerios, as they have been starting to give the boys some solids. Opening the pantry, Matt went to grab the box of cheerios so that he could make them little bowls. However, that wasn't going to be necessary as there was already some cheerios ready for their boys, which is something that should've expected from his wife, because only Gabby would pre-make some little containers of cheerios for their sons; a fact he soon made a comment about.

"Of course, only Gabby would do this for the boys." Grabbing some of the little contains, Matt smiled when he saw that there were also some dates on them; and boy did that make things a lot easier, as it allowed him to make sure that he took out the newest set of cheerio containers for the boys. After making sure that he did just dad, Matt proceeded to set them both down on the counter that was located right next to the pantry; after which, he also went to grab some pancake mix (which is what he was going to be making for him and Gabby). He's going to be making them some pancakes for breakfast, which is something that he already knows that Gabby is going to be enjoy; especially since they're going to be eating in bed with each other. But right now, she isn't the one that he needs to concentrate on feeding; rather, he needs to concentrate on feeding his little boys right now. Closing the pantry doors after grabbing everything that he needs from the pantry, Matt smiled as he turned to look at his boys this morning.

And let's just say that the way they were looking at him right now sure was adorable, especially since they had the biggest of smiles of their faces; but he also knew that there was another reason why they were making those big smiles at him. And that would be what the father had in his hand, the cheerios. Matteo and Noah are the biggest fan of cheerios, which is why they always feed them cheerios each and every morning. But that's not the only thing that the boys enjoy having each and every morning, as they also enjoy having milk with their breakfast. And if you thought that his little boys seeing cheerios put some big smiles on his little boys' faces, then you haven't seen their faces when they see some milk, because seeing milk always makes them happy. And let's just say that he's really happy right now. "Oh, you boys like seeing daddy getting your breakfast out for you? Don't you Matteo and Noah?" The boys both really got excited as they heard their daddy say their names when he spoke to them, which is something they do much more.

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