Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim

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Jay & Alex's Primary Suite – She needed a bit of attention from her loving husband before they went downstairs and took a swim, the wife wanting to feel his hands all over her in a way that she won't soon to be able to; that she won't be able to feel while they're taking a swim with each other, and all of their friends this afternoon. And she truly hopes that she won't have to spell it out for Jay, because she wants the message to be loud and clear based on what she's currently wearing a she stood at the end of their bed; as she stands there, and patiently waits for her man to walk into the room. But luckily for her, the wait wasn't long. Walking into his and Alex's room before closing the door behind him, Jay was currently in the midst of reading an e-mail related to something he and Antonio were hoping to start for Casey Police; at least, he was until he heard Alex speak to him. "What do you think?" Jay snickered as he heard Alex ask him that, as she really didn't need to ask him that question. "Do I really need to answer?" Alex smiled at Jay.

"Baby, you look so damn sexy." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before watching as he took off his shirt for her; throwing it onto the ground shortly afterwards, Jay smirked as he walked over to his beautiful wife as she stood at the end of their bed.

Putting his hands on her baby bump as soon as he was standing in front of her, Jay smiled as he stepped close to her and then felt Alex move her hands to his toned chest

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Putting his hands on her baby bump as soon as he was standing in front of her, Jay smiled as he stepped close to her and then felt Alex move her hands to his toned chest. Running her hands down Jay's chest, Alex smiled as she leaned in and just took things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck and just smiled due to the fact that she loves him so much. There's just something about him that always makes her happy, and that's never going to change. Kissing Jay again, Alex smiled as she just took things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smirking as he started to feel her run her hands down his chest so that she can help him today.

Going to grab his belt, Alex smirked as she wanted it to come off as soon as possible. "Oh, does somebody want me to take off my pants?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her that, before starting to undo his belt for him; after which, she went to take it off while smirking at her husband. Going to grab his pants for her shortly afterwards, Jay smirked as he went ahead and took them off; after all, the faster his pants are off, the faster he can get his wife in bed. And that was exactly what Alex is about to tell him, as she stepped close to him, put his hands on his muscular chest, and then leaned in to kiss his neck softly. Moaning as Alex did that, Jay kicked his pants (and socks) off before picking her up in his arms; afterwards, he wrapped Alex's legs around his waist and turned around to sit at the end of their bed. Slipping her close to him shortly afterwards, Jay smirked as he proceeded to grab her bra so that he can take it off. "Do it baby, do it now." Jay agreed with his beautiful wife, before going to take off her bra for her (just like she wants him to do).

Picking Alex up again shortly afterwards, Jay smirked as he carried her to bed so that they can enjoy some time with each other in bed; after all, that seems to be what Alex wants anyways. Carefully carrying her to their bed, Jay smiled as he felt Alex kiss him slowly. "So, I can only assume that we're going to be getting in bed with each other for a bit?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay ask her whether they're going to be getting in bed with each other for a bit, as they most definitely are. "Yeah, I need to get my hormones under control." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, before smiling as he proceeded to carry her to their bed; after which, he opened the covers and just smiled as he went to lay her down in their bed. Smirking as she looked up at Jay, Alex couldn't help but be extremely happy over the fact that Jay was currently looking down at her; and that he was about to give her a kiss that she so desperately wants. But first, he climbed into bed with the woman he loves; that way, it's much easier to kiss her when it comes to them being in bed together.

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