Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Sorry for the delay in starting to write, but I promise that I'm going to make up for it; and I'm going to do that by giving you a bunch of quality chapters, or as many as I can get out today on this Good Friday. But first, I want to say Happy Easter Weekend; and I hope that you guys are ready for some great chapters. Hope you guys enjoy them.

Casey Ensuite Bathroom – She knows full well how he feels about her letting him wake up alone in bed, as she always feels the same way when he lets her do it. So, why she decided to let him do it? He has no idea. But hey, at least his girl is going to make up for it; and that's by letting him join her in the shower, where he'll hold her naked body in his arms (as he washes her). I mean, that was something that he was always planning on doing when they woke up anyways; he just wishes that she woke him up and asked him whether he wanted to join her in the shower. Walking into the washroom with his towel around his waist, Matt couldn't help but smirk at the sight that was currently in front of him; and that would be his sexy, naked, pregnant wife in their shower. So, there's only one thing that he has to do now; and that would be join her in the shower, so that he can wash her this morning (which she wants). She wants him to run his hands all over her body and wash her this morning. But first, Matt needs to do something else for his wife; and that would be putting a bit of cologne on, as he wanted to make sure that he smelt good for the woman he loves more than anything.

Walking up to the sink this morning, Matt smiled as he looked at the counter and saw one of his bottles of cologne; yes, one of his bottles. He has a couple, since he wants to make sure that he's always smelling good for the woman he loves; and that was exactly what he's in the midst of doing right now, as he picked up the bottle of cologne and then sprayed it on himself. Afterwards, he smirked as he looked at the woman he loves in the shower as she started to run her hands around her body; but as far as he knew, she's yet to start washing herself...and that made him happy, as it meant that he was going to have a chance to wash her this morning; which is something that he wants to do whenever he gets a chance, for the simple reason that her body is so damn sexy. And her being pregnant just makes her even sexier, which Gabby knows; especially since he just ran his hands all over her body as they made love to each other in their bed, which was incredible. Going to spray a bit more cologne on, Matt smiled as he proceeded to grab his toothbrush so that he can brush his teeth. Going to do that this morning, Matt smirked as he made sure to do it quickly right now.

I mean, that is what he needs to do right now; and that's due to the fact that he's rushing, as he only has a bit of time to do this. And that's because he doesn't know (a) how long Gabby's already been in the shower this morning, and (b) how long she plans on staying in the shower; and since that's the case, he can't really take too much time if he wants to join her. So, that's why he decided to just brush his teeth enough so that he can make sure that his breath smells good. Going to smell his breath quickly, Matt proceeded to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth; after which, he quickly grabbed the cup to fill it with water. Quickly taking a sip, he proceeded to spit it out; he then went ahead and set all of his things down so that he can get in the shower with his wife, that way he can wash her. And maybe, at the same time, he can convince her to wear a body suit similar to the one that she was wearing before they made love to each other; damn, it was so sexy...and he just loved running his hands all over it before he took it off for her, and then pleased her.

But if she doesn't decide to wear it, then he'll be okay with it; because at the end of the day, he loves her more than anything in the entire world. And that's something that he plans on showing her as he gives her some pleasure in the shower. And he truly hopes that Gabby loves what he plans on doing with her right now, because it's really what he wants. However, what Matt could never expect was the real reason behind her currently being in the shower, which would be her having just had morning sickness. Taking off his towel as he walked over to the shower this morning, Matt smirked as he went ahead and hung it up next to Gabby's towel; after which, he proceeded to open the door and just looked at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. And that's when he finally realized why Gabby was in the shower right now, which was because of the morning sickness. Taking a breath, Matt looked at the woman he loves. "Already?" Seeing that Matt already knew what just happened, Gabby didn't feel the need to say another word.

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