The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. My apologies for starting so late, so I'm not going to waste time when it comes to writing you guys a long note. However, I am going to say this. I hope to start writing longer chapters now that I've found a way to write those, which may mean that I update less; however, it means that you will get longer chapters. I hope that it compensates, and that you guys are okay with that. Now, I am not going to keep you waiting for Chapter Eighteen. So, here we go with today's updates.


"The CH Clinic stands for The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Family and Mental Health." Will agreed with his wife when she told him what 'CH' stands for in the name of the new clinic, while also advising home of the entire time of the new clinic that he and Natalie are going to be helping Matt create; something that he thinks is going to be nice, considering it means that he's going to work side-by-side with his wife on a daily basis. Though, it's not like they weren't doing that before; after all, they did use to work together at Gaffney (commonly referred to as Chicago Med). But we're professionals here, and professionals use the actual title of the facility or institution that they used to work for. Because that was what Gaffney was as well, an institution; and that's due to the fact that it was affiliated with Chicago's Rush University. "So, what are you thinking when it comes to your role in the clinic? Do you think that you may concentrate more on the family part of the clinic?" Natalie sighed as her husband asked her said question, as she wasn't sure.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't really thought that part out; whether I want to just concentrate on the family side, or if I want to do the general clinic stuff. I mean, I know where you're going to work; after all, you're only qualified to be an emergency doctor." Will agreed with his wife as she said that, as that was just a fact that would never be in dispute; after all, Will is a doctor of emergency medicine. "Well, I know that I'm trained as a doctor of emergency medicine; and I'm not sure where that can leave me. I mean, I can help with the mental health side of things because of my brother; but that's the only place that I can really see myself really having a place there, unless I go back to school and do so me courses to get certified in family medicine. After all, we don't want to create legal nightmares for Matt." Natalie agreed with her husband when he said that, as that was definitely something that the family doctor didn't want to do for her friend; the friend who is already dealing so much with his mental health, specifically his PTSD.

Moving closer to the center of the bed, Natalie smiled when she noticed that Will got the message that she was sending to him; the message that she wants him to be in the center of the bed with her, that way they can hold each other close in bed. After all, that was what she liked to do with her husband at night; and it will especially be the case when work really ramps up again, and she really starts to work with Matt on creating the clinic. Moving his hand to his wife's hip this evening, Will smiled as he looked at Natalie while he held her close in bed; after which, he proceeded to kiss the woman he loves softly. "I love you." Natalie agreed with Will as he told her that he loves her, as that was definitely something that the doctor knew; and it's also something that she'll always know. The truth is, Natalie (just like Matt) never thought that she would find love like this again after her late military husband died; but now she has with Will, and she's glad that's the case. She always feels good when they're in bed together, and that's something that she really loves.

 She always feels good when they're in bed together, and that's something that she really loves

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