Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterdays updates, and I hope that you also enjoy today's updates. And another thing that I really hope, is that I get to write the same number of updates that I wrote yesterday today. But in order to do that, it means that I need to get to writing; so, what do you say we get to the story that you guys have all been enjoying for two months now. Here we go with Chapter Twenty-Five of The Caseys: Family Life.

She just finished getting dressed into what she planned on wearing today, which was definitely something that her husband was going to enjoy seeing her in; especially since it was both something sexy, and something that could keep him calm as they talk today. And while she does know that the conversation that they're planning to have may be a hard conversation, that doesn't mean that she plans on just letting her husband get away with not talking to her about it; especially when this conversation is long overdue. This is one of the conversations that they need to have while they're on their romantic getaway, as it was a conversation that should've happened while she was still pregnant with the boys. But now that she's no longer pregnant with the boys, they don't have to worry about the stress that it could've put on her (and therefore, the pregnancy). So, it was going to happen whether her husband liked it or not. She was going to be talking to him about his PTSD, and she wants him to be open with her about it; both for his sake, as well as her own.

But just how does Matt opening up to her about his PTSD help her? Well, that's because it allows her to know just what his PTSD is all about; and how she can do what she needs to do, and that's help him out with dealing with it. Another thing that she can do? She can maybe recognize topics that can trigger his PTSD. Little did she know that there were a lot of them, eight of them to be precise. Yes, Matt has eight situations in the past that have all contributed to him having PTSD; and they will all be talked about today, that's something that Gabby wants to do. She wants to talk about all of them, that way she can understand what she can do to help the man she loves more than anything both thrive and survive with his PTSD. She hates to see him suffer with his PTSD, and she wants to be his partner as he deals with this; which is why she believes that she needs to know everything, she needs to understand his PTSD as much as she can so that she can be the best wife that she can be for Matt. A wife that understands ahead of time and can predict situations.

Situations and scenarios that may lead to his PTSD being triggered, which is definitely something that she wants to avoid. She doesn't want her husband's PTSD to be triggered, because that could really make him feel bad; make him feel bad that he was dealing with it, while Gabby was doing something with the kids. Something that he may want to do with them too and may feel bad that he isn't giving his sons the ability to spend as much time as they would like to spend with their father; the father whom they love more than anything in the entire world, and whom their father loves more than anything in the entire world. And that's the last thing that the husband wants to let his sons feel, like they aren't his main priority in life; and that he wants to be with them as much as he possibly can, which is definitely something that he wants to do each and every day. But that didn't matter, as Matt was still such an amazing father; and that's something that Matt knows. He knows that the boys think that he's a great dad, and that's always the truth.

And if Matt ever has doubts about that, then Gabby is going to tell him time and again that it's the truth; and she will definitely do it today if it comes up, tell him that he's the best father to their boys. But that isn't the priority right now. Rather, the priority is that they are going to just take it easy with each other; especially when they talk about this. This is going to something hard for her husband to talk about, and she's going to be with him every step of the way. That's what a wife does, and it's what she's always going to do. And she's going to do it from bed today, the bed that she was currently sitting down in bed quite comfortably; and from which she was taking a nice sip of her water bottle, which just got filled up by their waiter Hunter while he brought them their breakfast. And just what might they be having for breakfast? Well, that would be Belgian Waffles with Coffee. Coffee that she knows that her husband will enjoy tonight, especially when he didn't sleep the best the night before; which she is definitely going to mention to Hunter. "Hunter?"

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