How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I really hope that you guys always like the chapters that I write for you, as I pride myself on doing the best I can; and doing the story justice, while not bringing the story too far away from who the characters were on the show. Hopefully, you guys can let me know whether you guys think I am doing that; that way, I can fix things. But before we begin, I just want to do something. I am posting this chapter, and a few of the chapters that you will read after this one on April 24, 2023. And if you didn't get the news, this was the day we learned that Len Goodman (former judge on Dancing with the Stars and Strictly Come Dancing) passed away; I therefore want to just take a moment to send all my love to his family, because he truly was a nice man. He was strict on some of the dancers that came through that show, but we all know that he did it with love. I also send my love to the entire Dancing with the Stars, and Strictly Come Dancing communities as I am sure that they are just as heartbroken. Thanks again for the memories Len and keep judging from high up above. Now, let's get to today's chapters. Thanks again.

Happy Birthday: Another quick message before we continue. I know that this was actually yesterday, but I forgot to send this message; and that message was a happy birthday message to Jesse Lee Soffer. We miss you on Chicago PD, but we'll see you again. Happy 39th.

"How are Jay, Alex, and the twins?" -Gabriela Casey

That was the question that was on everybody's mind right now, even if you didn't say it out loud; as they are all family here, and they are hoping and praying that things go well for the Halstead Family. That's what friends do, and that's exactly what they are. At the end of the day, they aren't co-workers, nor are they just corporate executives; rather, they are friends from Chicago. And that means something, especially when they do not know many people here in Hawaii (yet); hopefully, that will change as time goes on. And, they hope that it will not just be some people at the company; but friends that they meet outside of work, like when they go out to events and stuff that may happen in the future. One of those events could very well be something that Gabby plans on doing in the future, and that would be an ELLA fashion show; but that was not something that she was planning anytime soon, as it's not the time to do it. Not when part of their (extended) family are currently in the hospital, and not when she's eighteen weeks pregnant with their daughter. In fact, Gabby doesn't even know whether she wants to do a fashion show for a while, as she's just not ready to do that.

But when it comes to what she is ready to do, well that would be listen to Natalie; listen to her, as she tells her how Jay and Alex are doing. Or, at least, as much as she can tell her; or wants to tell her, as she does know that she may want to keep things in between the Halstead family unit (even though they all treat each other as an extended family here). "I mean if you want to say anything. If you can't say anything, then you don't..." Natalie shook her head as Gabby asked her whether she can (or can't) say anything about how Jay, Alex, and their twins Michael and Olivia are doing. "Honestly, they're getting better each and every day. They are both over the moon that they had one of each gender, because that means that they're okay with not having another baby anytime soon; Alex got an IUD recently, and she's going to wait to have another baby." Gabby agreed with Natalie as she said that, before smiling at her. "Okay, just make sure that she gets it checked; I ended up getting one after we had the twins, and you know what happened." Gabby said, as she put her hand on her stomach and rubbed it; referring to the fact that she ended up getting pregnant, with their Bella.

"I mean, not that I'm complaining; because I'm more than happy over the fact that we're pregnant with Bella." Natalie smiled as she heard Gabby tell her that, really liking the name that they chose for their daughter. "I can already see it now. Bella the ELLA model." Gabby laughed as she heard Natalie say that, as that most definitely is something that she's thinking about. "Natalie, you read my mind. We're definitely going to be using her for publicity, because I can already see her being the most adorable thing in the entire world; I mean, have you seen Matteo and Noah?" Natalie smiled as she heard Gabby say that, as she most definitely has. "I still can't believe that they're six months old." Gabby laughed as she heard Natalie say that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I mean, they are so damn adorable; and I am just glad that they are growing like normal now." Natalie agreed with Gabby as she told her that. "Just like I promised you that they would, while you were still in the hospital." Gabby agreed with Natalie as she said that, before smiling at the doctor. "Speaking of in the hospital, can we maybe turn the topic back to the question I asked?"

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