Sharing the News, Part Two

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'Hey, stay out there after you make food. I want to be with family and share the news out there. We can relax with friends today.'

He just got the text message that his wife just sent him, telling him to stay out in the kitchen so that they can relax with their friends today; and that's something that he's more than okay with doing, which he conveyed to her over text message this morning.

'Ok. I'll tell Stella that we're going to hang out here, just putting Andy out right now.'

Putting his phone back in his pocket after texting Gabby, Matt smiled as he proceeded to walk up to the back door and smiled so that he can let Andy out in the backyard. "C'mon Andy, let's go outside for a bit." Andy then proceeded to go outside like his master told him to do right now. At the same time, Matt proceeded to make his way out behind Andy so that he could take a moment outside with him. After all, there's nothing like the both of them being outside together. I mean, that's exactly what they need to do right now. They need to be outside together, so that he can concentrate on him. But there was also one more thing that he can do, and that's share some news with someone else. More specifically, Andy's "uncle". Yes, uncle. Both of the men have agreed to raise their dogs together, especially when they're both battling PTSD. Just walking out, Matt smiled as he closed the door before speaking to Andy. "Go play Andy, go play with Max." Turning his head to face Matt when he heard him, Jay smiled. "Hey, I didn't hear you come out this morning."

Matt agreed with his friend when he said that, well aware what was the case. "Yeah, I get that." Jay then smiled as he looked at Matt, before watching as Max started to play with Andy. "I can see that we don't have to worry about the dogs for a bit." Matt agreed as he proceeded to come and sit with Jay, while also grabbing his phone. He then went to open his text thread with Kelly, going ahead with doing just what he needs to go for Gabby; and that's tell him that they're going to be sitting in the living room today, which means that they can relax there together. Plus, they're going to want to celebrate her birthday with her too anyways; and want to know the news. But first, he wants to ask Gabby if he can tell Jay the news that they have since he's already out there; if not, he needs to shut up. So, he decided to exit the text thread that he had going with Kelly, and returned to the text thread that he has with Gabby to ask her the question. And only after he gets that answer, will he text Kelly to let them know what they're going to be doing today.

'Hey, Jay's out here. Can I tell him?'

Sitting down afterwards, Matt smiled as he turned to look at Jay. "How'd you sleep last night?" Turning his head, Jay laughed as he knew what he was trying to ask him. "You're trying to ask me whether I'm having PTSD, aren't you?" Matt nodded. "I want to know, because I don't want you to stay here if you aren't sleeping well." Jay sighed. "Unfortunately, even if we wanted to go back to Hawaii...we're stuck here. Alex just reached 20 weeks pregnant, and I am not okay with her flying past 20 weeks pregnant. I don't care if Kelly was okay with Stella flying this late into her pregnancy, I am not doing it. My wife is staying put." Matt agreed with his friend when he said that, well aware that's the case. "Oh, I understand that. I would've done the same thing if we were here while Gabby was still pregnant with the boys." Jay agreed with his friend when he said that, smiling at him. "What's got you all cheery right now? I can see that something's going on with you." Matt smiled as he looked at Jay. "Oh, the boys are just being adorable this morning."

Now, we both know that's a lie. It's just his way of trying to get through this conversation until Gabby can get back to him, which isn't going to take long due to the fact that Gabby was just texting him. And exactly like Matt predicted, it didn't take long for a reply.

'Go ahead if he's out there. I know you need to make small talk.'

Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, as that most certainly was the case. "Have a recent picture of the boys?" Matt agreed with his friend when he asked him if he had a recently picture of their boys, before going to give him the picture; after which, Jay looked at it and smiled due to the fact that his boys are really adorable. "I swear, those boys are adorable." Matt agreed with Jay when he said that, before smiling at him. "Yeah, they're adorable future big brothers." Jay agreed with Matt when he said that, until he realized what Matt just said. Turning his head, Jay was shocked. "You're kidding." Matt shook his head when he heard Jay ask him whether he was kidding, as he most definitely as not kidding about the fact that he and Gabby are pregnant again. "Do you really think that I'd be kidding about the fact that me and Gabby being pregnant again?" Jay shook his head. "Damn, you guys work fast." Matt laughed as he heard Jay say that, as that's definitely the truth. "Anyways, I've been thinking about some things recently."

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