Part 1

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Author pov:

In Rome:

Everyone in the mansion are running here and there checking everything for 10th time, All are shaking in fear for their dear life why not today their masters are returning from their business trip back to Italy. Everyone are shivering like a leaf and wiping their sweat every now not because of tiredness it is  because of fear. No one want to become the prey for the beasts and wish to die brutally.

Eva : everyone please check everything again perfectly and I don't want a single mistake that will cost everyone's life.

Eva head maid yelled at everyone and looking at everyone whether they are doing their work correctly or not.

After one hour, a most expensive car in the world stopped near the mansion and every worker stood like a statue bowed 90 degrees. Then 5 bodyguards with poker faces stood around the car and three bodyguards opened the car doors at a time .

 Then 5 bodyguards with poker faces stood around the car and three bodyguards opened the car doors at a time

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And here comes the most feared mafia leaders , THE RODRIGOS. As they step out the aura changed into dangerous and intimidating , and their most dangerous brown wolves came running towards them and sat near their legs respectfully.

 As they step out the aura changed into dangerous and intimidating , and their most dangerous brown wolves came running towards them and sat near their legs respectfully

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Every guard and servant started shaking in fear as they saw the dangerous wolves. The Rodrigo brothers stood there and inspected the whole area with their dark eyes and a smirk formed on their lips seeing everything fine.

Then they made their way towards the mansion without bothering about the people around them.

"Carlo what happened to the work I have told you ?" Lorenzo asked walking towards their office in their mansion.

" I have spoken to him about the progress and he said he will meet us in the evening " Carlo said as they three entered their office.

Lorenzo sat on the king chair and the remaining brothers sat on the sofa like kings.

" Atleast today I hope that man who we have given the work will complete it and go alive from here " Fernando said with a sign while rubbing his temple.

" yeah if not I don't know what I will do " Carlo said with dark eyes and clentched jaws.

" don't worry lil brother we will find HER soon" Lorenzo said with dark eyes and smirk making two brothers to smirk in return.

Then all of them went towards their rooms but no one able to breath in relief even for a second , thinking about the moments where their life has started due to a girl and where their breath has got stolen by the same girl.

Carlo : " where are you ?, WHERE ARE YOU ?" Shouted and destroyed his entire room in a second which took 10 hours for the workers to arrange everything. A lone tear escaped from his eye which he swiped harshly and went towards his balcony, sat on the ground looking at the sky.

"Carlo see see the sky is soo beautiful , I like the sky more during night because it gives peace and comfort , don't you think ?" A little girl asked him smiling sadly who is treating her with tears in his eyes flowing continuosly.

" Ye-yes am-amore soo beautiful ju-just like you " he said sobing like a little boy looking at her with infinite love. Then a small , cute hand wiped his tears away and made him smile with her little fingers.

Carlo jerked awake from his dream and looked around to see emptiness. He signed heavily and stood up walked into his room. he looked at everything which is destroyed just like his heart.He went out of the room and said to a maid to clean his room.

Three Maids entered his room and gasped loudly looking around.

Maid 1: "oh my god who made master this much angry that he destroyed the whole room."

Maid 2: "yeah"

Maid 3( Sophia ): "once I make the three dominant brothers fall for me. Not only the room, the bed there will be destroyed but not due to anger " she said with a smirk and lust in her eyes.

The both maids looked at her in disbelief and started their work

In Lorenzo room:

He sat on the bed and leaned his back on the headboard while closing his eyes.

" Angel , Angel , where are you baby ? " A boy shouted entering his room and looked around .

" Baby please don't make me worry, come out let me see you baby please " boy said in defeating voice and fallen on his knees and started crying.

After few minutes he heard sniffing sounds from the closet , without wasting a second he ran towards the closet opened the door with a thud and looked inside only to become frozen.

He slowly entered inside and saw his angel crying with hiccups curled up into ball cletching her stomach.

" Ang-Angel " he called in broken voice and walked towards her slowly and kneel down infront of her.

She looked at him with tears in eyes and fallen in his arms and hugged him. Sobing hard on his chest
" en-enzoo" she said and cried loudly. Making his eyes red due to anger and fisted his palm but his eyes are shedding uncontrollable tears seeing her in this state.

" Pl-Please angel do-don't cry babydoll , please ba-baby seeing you in this state make me wanted to kill my self." He said, she looked at him and closed his mouth with her little palm and shook her head.

" No Enzo don't talk like that please " she said in tears . He kissed her tears away and lifted her in bridal style and went into bathroom and made her sit on the table near mirror.

He kissed her forehead , her eyes and pecked her lips softly and looked at her with tears in his eyes. He slowly lift her shirt which have dark red bruise making his eyes red due to anger, with shivering hand he touched her bruise.


He opened his eyes with a jerk and rubbed his face with his palms and notice his face is watery realising they are his painful tears. He signed and went into bathroom and looked in the mirror and broken it with his palm harshly making his hand bleed. He looked like beast who can kill anyone with his bloody eyes.

" I will make him pay for every tear on your face angel , I will make him pay" he said in a dark tone and punched the wall with his bruise hand making it more worse.

" Please babydoll come infront of us, let us love you, let us care for you, let us show to the world that you are an angel this Mafias angel, no no no psycho Mafias angel " he said and started laughing loudly like a psycho.

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