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Serenity pov :

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Serenity pov :

Cool breeze hit my face making my eyes close. I inhaled the fresh air and looked at the moon which is spreading its light and peace.
A smile appeared on my face when my body is covered with warm blanket.
" You will get cold my doll " Ivan whispered and hugged me from behind before kissing my temple. I leaned to his chest and closed my eyes.

" My sweet cutie pie " Ivan murmured crushing me in his arms. I giggled and turned around to look at him.
He bent down and kissed my forehead.
" Is my babygirl not sleepy? " Ivan asked caressing my eyes softly, I signed and nodded my head. Ivan hummed and lift me in his arms, he walked towards the cosy sofa present in the balcony and sat on it with me on his lap.

I kept my head on his chest and closed my eyes making a tear escape my eyes, but before it fell down Ivan catched it in his palm. I lift my head and looked at him who is looking at me with so much love.
" These tear is so precious for us baby and this pearl will do nothing to decrease your pain, it just tells you that you are weak, it tells you, you cannot do anything but cry but our Serenity is not weak. Our queen is the most strongest girl who can fight with any situation like a tigress. These tears should not define your sadness, these tears should enhance your happiness. The thing which happened today shouldn't have happened but our queen fought the situation so well that we were so proud of you princess. Today you proved that you can save yourself and you can fight yourself even we are not with you. But always remember we will watch you and we will stay behind you in every problems and your every decisions, we will never leave your side till our last breath. " Ivan said while caressing my cheek. I looked at him whose eyes mirrored pain, helplessness, fear and so much love. But he didn't let his pain reach me, he have sheilded his pain with his love for me. What more can I ask if a man like him present in my life. I cupped his face and stared at his lips and then his eyes. His arms around my waist tightened, I closed my eyes and crashed my lips on his. This is first time I am initiating something to them and felt so good.

Ivan frozed for a second, but he started kissing me like his life depent on it. His hands entered inside my shirt touching my bare waist making me shiver a little. I moaned as he sucked my tongue and started devouring every corner inside my mouth. My hands reached his soft locks, I clentched them making him groan in my mouth. Slowly his palms reached my bra hooks and he didn't took a second to detach them making me moan in his mouth.

A cloth ripping sound made me gasp in his mouth, he ripped off my shirt and throwed it away along with my bra. I hugged him tighter crashing my naked upper body to his clothed chest, my body shivered due to cold breeze. Ivan slowly detached his lips and joined my forehead with his.
" I love you princess, so damn much. Beyond anything in this world " Ivan said and opened his eyes. He slowly made me lay in the couch and he hovered over me.
" Are you cold doll? " Ivan whispered and cupped my left breast in his warm palm. I gasped and arched my back feeling beautiful pleasure started in me.

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