Part 27

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Author pov:

The female doctor is checking Serenity, while serenity is still in Lorenzo lap. He don't want to stay away from her even for a second.

" Ma-masters she is exhausted and stressed with all the events happened, I think it is a mil-mild
pani-panick Attack" Doctor said shuttering.

The Doctor lift her head when she got no response from them, she flinched and widened her eyes looking into their eyes which turned into pitch black.

Fernando stood up and destroyed everything in the room,
" AHHHH " Doctor screamed loudly when she looked at Carlo who is banging his head on the wall, while Lorenzo held Serenity tightly and glared at the doctor like he will burn her then and there.

Jackson and some guards ran inside hearing doctor's yell. Jackson looked around the room and understood the situation. Jackson gestured the guards to escort the doctor out, but before she can step out Carlo gripped her neck and slammed her to the near by wall.

" What did you say? " Carlo asked with madness, the Doctor flinched and tried to get out his grip.

" WHAT DID YOU SAY ?" Carlo roared making the guards and Jackson flinch. He tightened his grip on her neck, while her eyes bulged out and her mouth is wide open taking as much as breath.

" Ma-master Pl-Please " doctor whispered which is not even audible to her. Before she die Carlo jerked her off making her fall down.

" Our angel is fit and fine, she is just tired understood?" Fernando said darkly coming towards the doctor. While doctor nodded her head continuously while coughing.

" Take this shit out " Carlo said to Jackson pointing towards the doctor.

Jackson bowed and escorted the doctor out, as soon as everyone went out the Brothers went towards serenity.

" Ba-baby you are fit and fi-fine, nothing will happen to you. " Fernando said sniffing and caressed her hair lovingly.

Lorenzo and Carlo is looking at Serenity with madlove, which will drown her and will make her difficult to float.

~After sometime ~

" Brother Jackson called us and said he got the cctv footage, will you come?" Fernando asked Lorenzo who is holding Serenity tightly like his life depend on her warmth.

Lorenzo shook his head, " I will not, I will not leave my baby. I am feeling suffocated without her." Lorenzo said and pecked her face.

Fernando and Carlo nodded their heads,
" Ok brother you take care of her we will go and check the cctv footage " Carlo said, Lorenzo nodded at them.

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