46- Auction

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Dimitri pov:

We entered inside the Auction hall, everyone stood up with respect or else it is fear, I chuckled internally. Women are looking at us with seducing eyes, this bitches need a proper treatment for looking at me which belongs to my babygirl.

Ignoring their dirty stares, me and my brothers moved forward, my eyes wandered around for my babygirl. And once my eyes fell on her my world frozed, she is really an fairy. How can someone be this ethernal, her face is bare with light makeup but that can make any man head over heels for that beauty. What hell no man can look at her she is only ours, A sudden posessiveness filled my body wanted to hold her and hide her from entire world.

She is looking so sexy with her innocent eyes, her milky leg is visible in the dress which is waiting for my attention. I would have ravished her in this second if there are no people here because it is our right to look at her like that.

We reached their table and greeted her brothers which made them anger, ofcourse they are boiling looking at us. Ignoring their raged eyes we diverted our eyes to my babygirl, she looked so nervous Aww my babygirl don't worry we are there for you.

After fighting with her brothers for sometime we sat in our seats beside them, we were continuously looking at our babygirl. Our eyes refused to blink afraid of missing that beauty. The bidding has started we are watching our babygirl's expression, and we are ready to buy anything if she likes.

And her eyes shined looking at the stage, I trailed my eyes towards the stage and smiled looking at the beautiful necklace. My baby have good taste.
" It is so beautiful " I heard her whisper.

I smiled widely and looked at my brothers who are looking at her with big smiles.
" WE WILL BUY THAT FOR YOU " I said immediately but frowned hearing same from Lorenzo. I glared looking at him.

Author pov:

Rodrigos and Belkovs are glaring at eachother. Serenity is trying to calm her brothers but nothing is working out. She is looking at them with pout tilting her head from one to one. She signed and shook her head not able to calm them.

" BIDDING STARTS NOW " The host announced.
They turned their heads towards the stage.
Belkovs smirked and raised their board to bid.

" 50 million$" Belkovs bid

" 100 millon$ " Rodrigos bid and smirked at Belkovs.

" 150 million$ " Belkovs bid

" 200 million$ " Rodrigos bid, Serenity looked at them with wide eyes.

" 250 million$ " Belkovs bid, Serenity titled her head to Belkovs with shocked face.

"Did I make mistake of telling that I liked that necklace, ohh my god the biding is just increasing. Everyone are looking at us with shocked face. What should I do? what should I do?" Serenity thought biting her lips.

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