Part 8

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Serenity pov:

Mia is dragging me towards the canteen from them.

" Mia what happened? " I asked her after we settled down in the canteen.

" what the hell are you doing seren, why are you talking to them. I have told you right they are very short tempered and they don't like if anyone talk to them or even look at them" Mia said in a stern voice making me pout.

" But they looked nice, they didn't said anything to me. They not even glared at me " I said with a pout making Mia sign

" Seren they are people who will manipulate us, we should not fall for their innocence ok?" Mia said making me nod.

" Should I tell Mia about the feeling that I have seen them somewhere and they looked very familiar to me , what if it is just my imagination. But why I felt like I have known them since soo long, Ahhhh " I thought and groaned in my mind.

" I think I have seen them in any web series that I am watching, yeah there is a chance for that is it?, Shit what am I even thinking. " I thought

" Ok now let's go Emma has called me, she went to room as she is not feeling good " Mia said making me snap out of my thoughts.

" Ok let's go " I said and we both came out of the college.

Author pov:

In Fernando room,

" Angel we have endured a lot, expecially you. So from now on there will be no difficulties, no tears, no hurting. We will protect you with our lives and if anyone even cross their path against you that will be their last day on earth " I said looking at my beautiful angel's photo.

" Angel because of that bastard we have got  seperated and because of that bastard we have to bear the sufferings, Now we will live happily. And once we get him in our grasps , I will show him the hell. Like a coward he has escaped but now once we will catch him we will not let him escape. " I said in a dark tone

"Thinking about him is making my blood boil, thinking about how he have tortured you, how he let your tears escape from your beautiful eyes" I murmured with hate and my body shook with uncontrollable anger.

Flashback starts

" Pl-Please s-sir leave h-her, she is little girl. please don't hurt her " I cried and kneeled down holding his legs, he held her hair in a tight grip I looked at her who is shedding tears of pain.

He looked down at me and smirked making my blood boil but I don't have that power to fight back with him, so I just kept silent letting my tears fall down.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now