Part 20

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Torcher Scenes ahead, I will put the warning at the starting of the triggering scenes



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Author pov:

Today they are going back to Rome, Serenity is so upset about it but brothers have convinced her that every year they will take her to a vacation.

Now Serenity sat on the bed with pout while her brothers are packing her luggage, they don't want any filthy hands touch their sister's things.

" Angel please baby we will definitely go to your next favourite place soon, don't be sad " Fernando said and sat beside her, she huffed and turned her head away from him.

Fernando also pouted and sat infront of her with innocent eyes, serenity is stopping her smile. Fernando made big pout making her burst into laughter.

" Yo-you are looking li-like a pig " Serenity said between her laughs. Fernando looked at her in disbelief. Lorenzo and Carlo also burst into laughter listening her.

Fernando smirked and pecked her nose continuosly as he know if someone kissed her nose she gets irritated. Serenity glared at him and went towards Lorenzo and hugged him tightly making him smile widely, he held her posessively.

" Enzo look at him " serenity whinned on his chest, Lorenzo playfully galred at Fernando.
" Don't you dare to irritate my angel, only I can irritate her " he said and pecked her nose making her hit his chest. He chuckled at her and hugged her tightly.

They went downstairs and the guards got their luggage, Brothers blood boiled looking at Sofia in single piece. They wanted to cut her every inch and feed them to their wolves. They calmed their rage when they looked at serenity.

Lorenzo held her waist as they walk towards their car, Serenity sat on Carlo's lap and pouted while looking through the window. Brothers felt little bad looking at her sad, but what can they do as Russian Mafia are sitting on their head from past few days they need to handle that matter.

After sometime they reached their flight.

They take offed and reached Rome.

" Baby you wait in the car we will come in just few seconds ok " Lorenzo said softly and kissed her forehead, she nodded at him. Carlo and Fernando smiled at her.

They turned around and their gaze became cold, they walked towards jackson.

" Hello masters " Jackson said bowing at them.

" Take that two maid to basement and arrange for everything " Fernando said in dark tone.

Jackson eyes became wide at the thought of them torchering someone again, he gulped when he saw Lorenzo raised his one brow at him.

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