Part 4

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Serenity pov:

" Mia call grandma and tell her that we have reached the hostel" I told her

" Yeah wait a minute " mia said and took her phone out to call grandma

I have started to enter our room following by Mia talking with grandma and as soon as I enter, I got a bone crushing hug from none other than our monkey, Emma

" Seren I Missed you soo much " Emma said while hugging me more tightly

" let m-me bre-breath fi-first " I said with a great difficulty.

" Sorry sorry angel " Emma said and backed away from hug.

" Someone didn't miss me I think so" Mia said behind me.

" Yeah, why I will miss you ?" Emma said in a duh tone making Mia burst in anger

" You little monkey come here" Mia said and started chasing Emma who is running for her dear life, I laughed at the two monkeys who are jumping and running around.

" Ok ok now enough " I said, they stopped and we three settled on our beds.

" Angel this is our final year so we have to enjoy a lot" Emma said in a exciting tone making me laugh.

" Yes yes we will enjoy but not in your monkey ways" I said and looked at Emma who made a cute pout making me and Mia laugh at her.

" Serennnn" Emma whinned but I just showed my tongue to her and laughed at her.

" Ok ok we need to take our necessities for tomorrow's college and we need to sleep early " Mia said and looked at us.

" Yess Mia madam, yes mia monkey " me and Emma  said at a time with salute and we all burst into laughter.

Author pov:

Rodrigo brothers are in their office, discussing about their underworld.

" Lorenzo you said we will talk to uncle luis, what is your plan? " Carlo asked

" Yes we need to know about that night but we will not step in his house or I will let him step in any of our territories , we are hosting a party for 10 years of our success tomorrow right? So we will invite him to the party and talk to him " Lorenzo said making other brothers nod at his idea.

" Ok we will do that , let me call Jackson" Fernando said and called Jackson to their office.

Jackson entered the office and bowed at them
" Jackson we are hosting a party tomorrow right? so I need you to invite Luis to the party." Fernando said making Jackson shock.

They never brought his name up in these 5 years of his experience. If anyone mention about him, they will Lash out at them and kill them brutally. So today when Jackson listened their order, he is beyond shocked. But he just kept quiet not questioning the beasts order.

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