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Author pov:

The place looked so abonded and old, their jaws are clentched thinking that they hide serenity in this dirty place.

" Dimitri Everything is going according to the plan right? " Lorenzo asked looking at Dimitri, he nodded his head.

" Yes you don't need to worry, we will get her safely without any scratch " Dimitri said with determination thinking about Serenity, Carlo and Fernando's eyes started tearing.

They have entered inside the place, there are few guards at the entrance. They came forward to check Rodrigos and Belkovs but they are trembling in fear looking at their faces, with shaking hands the guards checked them thoroughly. Viktor and Ivan smirked looking at them.

They are thinking they are going to get many pets to play with after this night and they will kill them differently. Their psychotic minds are imagining as their bodies will be filled with the blood of their pets. They are looking at them with dangerous smirks on their faces.

After checking they were escorted to a place by two men, they are becoming so impatient. They just want their angel in their arms infront of their eyes and then they will show whom they have touched.

As they entered a room they found a man with his back facing to them,
" Sir they are here " A bodyguard said while the man slowly turned to face them, Rodrigos and Belkovs became shocked looking at him.

As they entered a room they found a man with his back facing to them, " Sir they are here " A bodyguard said while the man slowly turned to face them, Rodrigos and Belkovs became shocked looking at him

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The man is wearing the mask, Rodrigos and Belkovs glared at him, the man started laughing loudly looking at them, Dimitri and Lorenzo are shaking in rage looking at him. The man dismissed everyone out from the room except them.

" How are you Rodrigo Brothers and Belkov sons " The man said with robotic voice. Fernando stepped forward to punch the man but Lorenzo stopped him by showing his palm.

" It's been so many years, tsk I missed you guys " The man said in fake sad tone.

" WHERE IS OUR ANGEL " Lorenzo voice boomed in the entire building, The man chuckled and started walking towards him. They all have guessed that the man is old because of the wrinkles in his hands and his body.

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