Part 39

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Dimitri pov:

Everything is so dark, I got up from the floor and looked around. I frowned.

" Hello? Anyone there?" I yelled but only my voice echoned in entire place, suddenly a light made my eyes squint. I blinked my eyes and opened to look at the source of light. My lips carved into a wide smile.

" Babygirl?" I called with a big smile and ran towards her. I stood infront of her she is looking like a fairy yes my little angel.

" Dimitri Thank you for saving me " My babygirl said with her beautiful smile, I smiled widely and hugged her tightly.

" It is my pleasure to save you love, you are my life then how can I let you die?" I asked with tears flowing from my eyes, she cupped my face and wiped off the tears. I leaned to her touch and felt her warm palm.

" You know you are the only girl I touched in my entire life " I said with a wide smile, she smiled at me and nodded her head.

" You will never leave me right? I don't know how I lived these many years without you. Pl-Please stay with me love " I asked desperately my tears threatened to fall.

" I will never leave you, I will always be with you " my babygirl said making my heart beat faster. I hugged her immediately and my tears started falling, these tears are not out of sadness they are out of happiness.

Within few seconds I felt her full body weight on me, I broke the hug and cupped her face I shaked her little, she became unconcious.
" Love? Love? Babygirl? LOVE?" I yelled shaking her, my body shook with panick.

" LOVE" I opened my eyes with a jerk I sat on the bed with sweat on my forehead, I blinked my eyes and looked around the room. It is a hospital, then I remembered what have happened.

" M-My babygirl, S-She must have been in pa-pain " I murmured, the thought of her being in pain made my eyes tear. I removed all the tubes attached to my body few drops of blood spilled out but I cared less and got up from the bed but the pain on my back did not made me walk. I sat on my bed and angry tears started in my eyes, my body is not supporting me. I want to see my babygirl.

After few minutes a nurse came inside the room, I glared at her.
" CALL IVAN " I roared at her, she flinched and ran outside. I groaned and laid on the bed, within few seconds the door got burst open and there came my brothers and my so called father.

" Bro how are you? Are you fi- " Ivan started asking questions I cut him off in middle.

" How is ou-our babygirl?" I asked him, he smiled a little but I can see the pain in his eyes.

" She is fine, she have regained her conciousness" he said making me sign in relief.
" I wa-want to see her, le-lets go " I said and tried to stand up but I was unable to. I cursed loudly and punched the bed in anger.

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