Part 2

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please vote, it will boost my energy, Here my RedHearst the episode♥️

Author pov :

In Fernando room:

He is looking at a photo with a smile on his face, but his eyes are showing madness, obsession and cruelty.

" Amore I will not leave him, I will not, I will show him the hell, no the hell will become afraid of the death I will give him." He said and caressed the photo with love and adoration.

" Amore did you remember the incident baby?" he asked the person in the photo with a smile on his face.

"Please ferry, I don't want to" she said with puppy eyes making him smile at her cuteness. He pinched her cheeks and pecked her lips.

" Amore only one bite please baby" he pleaded her with cute face.

" Ferry it is your food, you have already fed me half of your food, you should also eat it" she said with a cute stern voice making him coo at her.

" All mine is yours amore, even my life is yours so why not food" he said and brought the food near her mouth and signalled her to open her mouth.

" Ok last bite after that you should eat the remaining food, ok?" She said with a cute glare showing her tiny finger to him.

He smiled at her and kissed her finger making her giggle which is music to his ears " ok my Amore, who am I to oppose my queens order?" he said dramatically making her laugh.

He remembered the incident and a smile formed on his face, a genuine one " Amore you are the only person in the whole world who will make me bend on my knees, my little baby" he said and kissed the photo and hugged that photo to his heart and a tear rolled from his eyes.

In the evening:

All three brothers are waiting for the man in their meeting room. All the brothers have hard faces. They all are thinking about one person, about HER.

After sometime they heard a knock on the door. They all averted their gaze to the door.
"Come in " Lorenzo said in a cold voice.

A man in his 30's entered inside with a file. He bowed 90 degrees. His eyes are showing only fear looking at the brothers infront of him. He knows that today is his last day, the information which he got will not be useful to them.

" Tell me " Fernando said in a hard gaze.

The man swiped away his sweat on his forehead and looked at the three beasts looking at him with dark look.

" Good evening masters"

" Master th-the information abo-about qu-queen " he shuttered badly while saying making the beasts growl in anger.

" What the fuck? tell me about the information you got, don't make us kill you before you tell something" Fernando growled making the man flinch in fear.

" Mas-master I didn't got an-any information about que-queen b-but" he said fearing.

This is enough for the beasts to Lash out on him. Carlo got up from his seat and gave a hard punch to the man who is now on the ground with broken jaw.

" You bloody fu***er, HOW DARE YOU TO COME HERE WITH EMPTY HANDS HUH?" Carlo growled at him aand started beating him mercilessly.

" JACKSON " Fernando called their loyal assistant, within a minute Jackson is infront of them and bowed at them.

" I want his death to be very brutal, he should suffer for atleast two months with our torcher and then leave him to die with all the pain " Fernando said with dark tone looking at the man who is shivering with fear.

" Yes master" Jackson said and took the man out of the room by holding his hair in a painful grip.

" Mas-master please mas-master give me an other chan-chance please, I will definitely find out about queen, Pl-Please mas-master" the man pleaded while he was dragged away by Jackson.

The man don't know that there will be no second chance in their dictionary.

Here the brothers are raging like beasts, Carlo took the paper white from the table and hit the glass window in the office making it break into pieces. He started destroying the place. Fernando is punching the wall continuosly in order to reduce the pain in his heart.

But in all this Lorenzo is utterly calm like 'calm before danger'. Both brothers looked at Lorenzo with confusing gaze as they know Lorenzo is the most tempered man among them, but seeing him silent a dangerous smirk formed on their faces indicating his brother is planning something big.

" Lorenzo what should we do now ?" Fernando asked him making Lorenzo laugh.

He is laughing like a psycho but the pain in his eyes can be recognised by the brothers, they all are feeling the same pain, they all are waiting for her love.

" Angel angel angel ANGEL ANGEL ANGEL, where are you, WHERE ARE YOU ?" Lorenzo yelled

" There is only one option for this, That is uncle luis " Lorenzo said making the both brothers eyes become blood red, they clentched their palms tightly digging their nails.

" No way in the hell we are talking to that fu**er " Carlo roared.

" Yes Lorenzo, we are not going to talk with him nor we are even looking at him " Fernando said in a dark tone.

" Are you thinking that I like to talk with him and forgive him ?, NO I am never going to forgive that fu**er not even in his dreams" Lorenzo yelled at both brothers.

" We need to talk to him about getting the information about our baby, only he knows what happened on that day, These many years we did not let him talk with us, but now we need to in order to know about our angel" Lorenzo said making others sign.

" I cannot stay far from my angel anymore, I ca-cannot" Lorenzo said in broken tone with tears flowing from his eyes

Fernando and Carlo hugged him and started crying along with him. All the brothers have waited for her all these years, but now they cannot live without their queen,their amore their obsession, they cannot even breath without their angel.

Hi RedHearts,

What do you feel about the chapter? Any suggestions?

How Rodrigo brothers are going to find about their sister?

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