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Author pov

Rodrigos and Belkovs have laid on sofas and they started teasing eachother, Serenity is looking at them with done face.

" Soo as we ha-have won the game, you guys
ne-need to give your pro-promise to us " Lorenzo said with hiccups.

" Anything my brother in law " Ivan said with wide smile while looking at Serenity, Serenity looked down feeling blood rush on her cheeks.

" Don't look at my baby " Fernando said in baby voice pulling Serenity on top of him. He kissed her forehead and caressed her hair. Belkovs whinned looking at Serenity, she chuckled and showed her tongue to them.

" Brothers shall we go home now." Serenity said standing up, Rodrigos looked at her with drowsy eyes.
" Angel let's shleep here today " Lorenzo said closing his eyes, Serenity signed and looked at her brothers who are ready to sleep.

" Ok then I will ask Jackson to arrange something for us to sleep. " Serenity said, Rodrigos and Belkovs smiled widely.
" YAHHHHHH " They all yelled with excitement, Serenity shook her head and went out to inform Jackson about their stay.

Rodrigos have fully slept on sofas by the time Jackson reached there with blankets, Serenity tucked them gently and kissed their foreheads.
" Goodnight " Serenity whispered and turned around to find Belkovs looking at her with love.

Serenity looked down and went towards them,
" yo-you guys al-also should sle-sleep " Serenity said while shuttering, Dimitri smirked and held her hand, before Serenity processed what happened she is on Dimitri's lap.

Serenity gasped and held his shoulder.
" Wh-What are you doing?" Serenity shuttered and tried to get up from his lap.
" Stay Babygirl" Dimitri whispered in her ear and sucked her earlobe, Serenity held his shoulder tightly.

" Pl-Please " Serenity whispered taking deep breaths.
" Please what baby?" Ivan said twrilling her hair strand. Serenity gulped and looked at him, Ivan's eyes are shining with desire.

" M-My Brothers are he-here please leave me" Serenity whispered while Belkovs eyes darkened listening her saying to leave her, Dimitri's hold on her waist tightened.

Serenity looked at him with wide eyes, he pulled her more towards him. Serenity gasped looking at his red eyes.
" Never ever say to leave you, You are ours only ours " Dimitri said in dark tone making Serenity shiver.

Viktor held her neck and pulled her towards his face,
" Never try to go away from us " Viktor said and crashed his lips on her, he started eating her lips. Serenity tried to move away but his hold made her stay still, Serenity slowly started giving up to his kiss. Serenity moaned when Viktor started sucking her tongue, she held his back of neck making him groan in the kiss.

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