Part 28

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Authors pov:

" WHAT ?" They three yelled at a time.

" Ye-yes sir Al-Alex is already dead, And also Master there is another body near Alex's body." Jackson said. The Brothers looked at eachother with confusion.

" Another body?" Carlo asked,
" Yes sir, I have sent one guard to know about him" Jackson said while brothers hummed in response.

" Ok you guys wait there, we will come. " Fernando said in cold tone.

" Ye-yes masters " Jackson said, while Carlo cut the call.

" There is also another man's body? Another one might be Alex's friend or his working partner " Carlo said to his brothers, Fernando nodded at him in agreement.

" There is also chance that another one might be Alex's Boss. But the Question is Who might have killed them?, why they killed them?" Lorenzo whispered with frown.

" Maybe they also have some other enemies. " Fernando said while brothers nodded at him. They made their ways to their angel's room.

Serenity is sleeping in her room, she is still tired of all the things happened. Brothers slowly opened the door and walked inside with tiptoes. Their face have beautiful smile, they three kneeled down infront of her.

" My beautiful baby " Lorenzo whispered and kissed her both cheeks, while Fernando pecked her lips.

" Angel we are going out and will bring you your favourite ice cream, then we will enjoy our movie night like always " Carlo said caressing Serenity's cheek lovingly.

" We will miss you baby " Fernando whispered and pecked her crown and forehead. After looking at Serenity for some more time they went out of the room.

They stood in the living room with cold faces while all guards and servants stood infront of them with their heads bowed down.

" Eva " Lorenzo called head maid, who took a step forward and looked at them.

" Yes masters "

" If our princess get up give her healthy food and juice, if she ask about us tell her we will come back very soon. She need to complete her food and should take her medicines, if it will not happen I will slash everyones head " Lorenzo said with dark tone, every guard and servant flinched while Eva nodded her head.

" Ye-yes masters I will take care of that " Eva said with scared tone.

Then the brothers walked out of the mansion followed by their guards.
" We have missed the chance to torture that fucker " Fernando said in dark tone while clutching his palms in a tight fist.

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