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~After three months~

A angry and grumpy woman is walking in long strides towards a room while holding her big bump with both hands, yes that is our angry preggo Serenity.

' Today masters and kings are dead ' A maid whispered to other making the other maid with a chuckle.
' why not it's been more than a hour since the meeting has started. They have promised our queen that they will be in front of her within an hour. ' second maid whispered back.

Serenity stopped as she saw Jackson walking towards her.
" Where are they? " Serenity asked making Jackson gulp.
" Queen they are still in the meeting, It wi-will complete within ten minutes " Jackson said making Serenity glare at him. Serenity walked past him towards the office room.

Jackson took his phone out but before he could dial a voice stopped him,
" Dare to warn them about my presence. Stop saving them everytime " Serenity said making Jackson keep his phone in his pocket immediately.

Serenity stood infront of the door and pushed it open making Belkovs and Rodrigos snap their gaze towards the door.
" Pri-Princess we are on our way, look we are pa-packing up. The meeting is over " Ivan said nervously with the last sentence in cold tone to the members in the meeting and cut the call.

Serenity walked towards Dimitri who held his both ears with his fingers.
" Sorry wifey, we are on our way my doll " Dimitri said softly.
Serenity without saying anything she sat on his lap burying her head in his neck. Dimitri immediately wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple while saying sorry. But his softness turned into anxiousness listening to her soft snifs.

" Queen? Baby what happened huh? Why my cutie pie is crying. Look my Ba-Baby please don't cry my princess. Are you feeling any pain? Baby let's go to ho-hospital hmm " Dimitri asked and tried to take her face out of his neck but Serenity buried more in his neck and shook her head negatively.
Rodrigos along with Ivan and viktor ran towards her in panick.
" Angel what happened baby? Did someone said anything to you huh? Is it paining angel? Pl-Please don't cry princess, please " Lorenzo asked while caressing her hair.

Serenity sniffed and came out of dimitri's neck,
" What happened my love? " Dimitri asked wiping her tears softly.
" I sa-saw a video of a pregnant lady, her husband left her because she became fat and ugly, he throwed her out of his house. Ho-How can someone love only our outer appearance? our in-inner beauty is what matters right? " Serenity asked while sniffing.

" Yes my babygirl, inner beauty is what matters the most " dimitri cooed and took baby wipes from Ivan. He wiped her face softly as it became red with all her crying.
" I kn-know my husbands are not like that but how can he leave his wife like that, how can he throw her out? Every girl in this world deserve best husbands like me " Serenity said with tears flowing from her eyes, Belkovs smiled listening to her.

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