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Serenity pov:

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Serenity pov:

" Ahhh " I groaned feeling a little sore down there, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself between three gaint bodies. Looking at them my mind drifted to yesterday's night which made my cheeks hot. I smiled a little while looking at them.

I looked at dimitri who is sleeping with a pout on my right breast, I chuckled and caressed his face. He unconciously leaned to my palm making me smile widely. I looked at his tattooed chest which is filled with me, I felt a little afraid knowing about his love for me but I couldn't back away because my heart has already fell for them. I slowly caressed my palm on his chest, I removed my hand and bent down a little to kiss his forehead, he smiled in the sleep making me chuckle.

Then my eyes fell on Ivan who is hugging my waist tightly with his face burried in my belly. I ruffled his hairs with my fingers and got a satisfying sign from him. Ivan's anger is something which is beyond my imagination, and specifically he gets so much angry when it comes to me or something happens to me. I don't know should I feel blessed with their unconditional love or should I fear at their dangerous desire for me. I should try to make him control his anger, I smiled at his unconcious whin when I removed my hand from his hair.

Then I looked at the baby Belkov who is sucking my clothed n***le like a lollipop making me giggle. I cupped his face and kissed his nose with a small chuckle. He is a cute baby, he is so clingy and touchy among three of them, but I am not complaining it, because I like him the way he is. I have observed him so many times behaving childish around me but once he is away from my eyes he is a beast. He is so sensitive when it comes to me and he gets panick attacks very easily if something happens to me, I know their behaviour is because of their past with their father. But I will make them feel loved, I will make them normal.

After everything becomes fine, then my brothers also will be with me and we all will happily lead our lives without any problems. 'I miss you Brothers' I whispered and wiped off my tear which escaped my eye.

But my soft and teary gaze turned into angry one,
" After making me so exhausted, now these three monkeys are sleeping so peacefully. " I murmured while glaring at them. I took a long breath,
" GET UPPPP " I roared on top of my lungs, they three jumped in their places making me hide my laugh.

" Wh-What happened? Princess are you ok huh? " I heard dimitri's concerned voice as soon as he opened his eyes.
" Ki-Kitten are you hu-hurt, why did you y-yell my queen? " Ivan asked while cupping my face.
" Swe-Sweetheart tell me baby, Wh-What happened? " Viktor asked with teary eyes, I signed and glared at them.

" You three happened, after making me so tired you three are sleeping so peacefully " I said and crossed my arms infront of my chest. Ivan, Dimitri's concerned and caring gaze turned into mischevious one making me gulp. Ivan smirked and chuckled looking at me making me glare at him hard.
" So we have tired you huh? But you look fine why don't we tire you again? Hmm?" dimitri asked caressing with his hand just above myyy.

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