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Thanks to all my readers, Thank you so much for this amazing Rankings♥️♥️♥️♥️🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Thanks to all my readers, Thank you so much for this amazing Rankings♥️♥️♥️♥️🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️

Thanks to all my readers, Thank you so much for this amazing Rankings♥️♥️♥️♥️🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Author pov:

Six lifeless bodies are staring at the wall ahead of them with dead eyes, there are no tears left out in their bodies to come out. the words doctors told them are roaming in their minds like nightmares.

' Kings, Masters, with our medication we can keep Queen alive for a week, but after that we cannot do anything. There are many scientists who are still trying to find the cure for this toxin but no one succeeded. '

Jackson and Andrew entered inside the office room after not getting any response from Rodrigos and Belkovs. They felt so bad looking at their masters lifeless souls.

" Kings " Andrew called in soft voice making Carlo lift his head at them while remaining all zoned out.

" King we have researched about this poison, and also there are many scientists working on this for remedy. " Jackson said which made Belkovs and Rodrigos look at him with anticipation.

" Does any-anyone have that remedy huh? We will go anywhere to g-get that. We will fight wi-with entire world to claim that " Lorenzo said with red eyes due to heavy crying.
" Mas-Masters I will get to know about it. " Jackson said while shuttering.
" I WANT EVERYTHING NOW, NOW " Dimitri yelled and held Jackson's collor.
" I am giving you an hour, I want the solution or else forget about your life " Dimitri said in dark tone, Jackson gulped down looking at Dimitri who is bathed in blood. He have went to basement an hour ago to vent his anger on luis and lucy after they found lucy was the one who gave the poision to serenity. His hands twitched to kill her but his mind remainded him that she shouldn't get an easy death.

" I wi-will kings " Jackson said and he went away as soon as dimitri left him.
Lorenzo, Dimitri, Ivan are pacing in the room and trying so hard not to break down, now their only aim is to save their babygirl. They don't want to become weak, they need to be strong for their angel.
Fernando, Carlo and Viktor are with Serenity as they couldn't move away from her, they couldn't able to breathe without her presence.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now