Part 29

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Author pov:

Carlo held Luis neck in a tight grip and looked at him with dark look.
" HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?" Carlo roared on Luis face. Luis flinched and held Carlo's hand in order to remove carlo's hand from his neck.

" So-son " Luis shuttered and gasped loudly to take breath, Luis felt dark spots appear infront of him. Before Luis become unconcious Carlo left his neck.

Luis coughed very hard and looked at the brothers who are raging in anger.
" S-Sons- " Luis was cut off by fernando.

" Do you want us to marry your sl*ty daughter HUH?, Do you know she is our f*ck toy." Fernando yelled loudly, Luis looked at him with shock.

" OUR EXISTANCE, OUR BREATH, OUR LOVE, EVERY PART IN OUR LIVES BELONGS TO OUR ANGEL, OUR SISTER " Lorenzo yelled while looking at him darkly. Luis shuddered in his place.

" S-Sons sorry, I am extremely So-sorry. Lucy said she is in lo-love with you guys that's why I thought to ask you " Luis said with utmost fear.

" You know what?, she is a disgrace to our family, we are so ashamed to call her as our family. she is a sl*t who wanted to enter into every men pants. Don't ever let that bit*ch come infront of us, If we see her we don't know what we will do to her. NOW GET OUT BEFORE WE KILL YOU. " Fernando said looking at Luis with disgust.

Luis fisted his palm, he is angry on the brothers and also on his daughter. He flinched when Fernando told him to get out.

" I am sorry sons " Luis whispered and went out.

Lorenzo sat on his chair and punched the table infront of them,
" That fucker ruined my mood " Lorenzo whispered and massaged his forehead.

" We have given him so much privilege that's why he dared to ask us this shit." Fernando said and kicked the table.

The door of their room got opened. Brothers looked towards the door and opened their mouth to yell at the one who dared to come in without their permission.

As they looked in that direction their anger flew away and their eyes turned soft.
" Princess " Lorenzo whispered.

Serenity smiled widely and ran towards Lorenzo and sat on his lap. Lorenzo smiled widely and hugged her waist tightly.

" My baby " Lorenzo whispered and pecked her whole face. Carlo and Fernando came towards Serenity and hugged her tightly.

" Princess why are you pouting my baby ?" Carlo asked and pecked her pout.
" My babies (wolves) have been taken away by your guards, they went away with sad faces" Serenity said with cute voice. Brothers cooed at her cuteness.

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